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"they shouldn't remember you" Jaemin says as he walks out of the kitchen to the lounge room where Jeno was

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"they shouldn't remember you"
Jaemin says as he walks out of the kitchen to the lounge room where Jeno was. Jeno flinches at the sudden sound and whips around, looking at Jaemin surprised.

"well hello to you too"
"you asked so I appeared."
jeno jumps onto the couch, flopping onto his stomach. Jaemin sits on the floor in front of the couch. Jeno turns his head over and looks to the side, seeing Jaemin's face so close he backed up.

"gosh you are to comfortable mister"
"I can leave?-"
"no! don't leave me alone I need mental help here?"

Jaemin sighs and leans his back onto the table behind him. closing his eyes as he tries to think of soemthing to say.
"there was an incident where people remembered the human.. we had to change his whole identity and move cities because he got to stressed.."
Jeno nods as he looked out the window, still listening to Jaemin attentively.

"and although you are just a normal human, you have a angel watching over you and you know it, plus you've met your angel, me! any how, if you are an fallen angel that became human again, you have a much better and protected life until your last breath. then, you are a fallen angle again."

Jaemin concludes his explanation with a deep in take of air, breathing heavily because letting go, as he spoke without breathing.

Jeno sits up, he legs rest over the couch onto the floor, right next to Jaemin's here Jaemin started poking his feet out of boredom.

"so there is a chance they could remember me?"
Jaemin hums in response and continues poking randomly, as if he was making a connect the dots.

Jeno lifts his feet up glaring at the boy who pouted.
"it tickled"
Jaemin stands up and leaves the lounge room, going to the kitchen where he grabbed a cup of water and filled it up. He walked in front of jeno and slowly Keane date cup forward, the water dripping out into Jeno's lap. Jeno looks up quickly and tries to stop him when Jaemin pours it all out.

jeno stands up and went to grab Jaemin when he disappears into thin light.

Jeno groans and looks down, to see nothing. No water at all, the cup wasn't there, and his clothes were dry.

"that's how it should be. nothing to remember, and no evidence"
jeno spins around and looks at Jaemin was had just appeared.

"but with you, they feel familiar around you. so they feel as if they know you but they shouldn't."
Jaemin stops and gasps, looking into Jeno's eyes deeply, some what worrying Jeno.

"Also just saying, don't fall in love. it can be classed as a sin if you fall in love to quickly. If you kiss some one on the lips, full of love, they can suddenly reveal everything about your past life. It's not really a sin but it can cause trouble for you, so everyone calls it a sin.

Jeno scoffs, mostly confused but more so shocked that it was such a thing. A sin? to fall in love? He understood not wanting people to see his past but why would it bring trouble to him? although if he was being honest he couldn't remember much about his past, he was sure it wouldn't be anything bad.
"so I have to wait a while..?"

Jaemin nods and fiddles with his fingers.
"about a year, two years if you want to play it extra safe"

Jeno sighs and looks away, feeling in a somewhat bad mood for no reason.
"you can go now, I'm done with questions"
Jaemin shrugs and looks out Jeno's window. Admiring the view of neo city from a better angle, rather than a birds eye view of the city.

"I guess I'll get going then"

and with that, Jaemin disappeared within thin air back into the skies. While Jeno sat on the stairs up to his loft, leaning against his window. He looked down and watched cars pass the streets, people running around and most importantly. He noticed all the fancy couples on dates.

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