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The three sat on the bed laughing and talking, trying to bring the mood up while the doctors made sure they were all okay

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The three sat on the bed laughing and talking, trying to bring the mood up while the doctors made sure they were all okay.

"I'll let you all rest for a while, I'll come back later"

Everyone nods and the doctor leaves as y/n let's out a sigh of relief. She clings onto haechan and Yangyang again as they just smile.

"I thought you two were going to die! how dare you scare me!"
The two laugh and put a arm around her too. Jeno sat on the bed as he stared at the floor, still feeling a slight sudden pain out of no where.

didnt Jaemin heal me? why do I still feel the pain.

he shrugs it off and looks back up to see the three clinging onto each other. Y/n face in the bed while hugging the two, as they looked at each other with smiles.

"glad you didn't die on me"
yangyang says looking up at the roof after a few seconds. Haechan just laughs and looks at the roof as well.
"I can't die, I'm a baddie"
Everyone laughs a bit, including Jeno who just smiled and chuckled lowly.

"all thanks to you though. you really helped us"
haechan said as he sat up looking at jeno.
"seriously, thank you"

Jeno nods and smiles at the boy. Haechan gets up of the bed and starts limping over to Jeno. Jeno gets up and hugs haechan where he was.

"yoh should be walking with a bad leg"
jeno said as he pick haechan up and put him on the bed where jeno was sitting. Haechan just giggled and hugged Jeno tightly.

"you saved my life"

Jeno rests his chin on Haechan's shoulder as Haechan's face rests in Jeno's neck. Haechan pulls away and looks as y/n and Yangyang who were just talking.

Jeno suddenly felt a pang of pain hit into his arm where his stab wound was. He groans and falls back onto the bed, out of Haechan's embrace. Haechan looks over at him with concern evident in his eyes.

"you okay?"
he says as he holds onto Jeno's shoulder.

y/n and Yangyang jump off the bed and walk over. Jeno just closes his eyes and flinches at any touch he feels.

The pain worse than ever but why.

I'm a demon. Jaemin healed me. I'm technically already dead yet I feel like I'm dying now. Jaemin help me...

what is going on?!

y/n sits next to jeno and ruffles his hair, hoping to bring some comfort to him but nothing works.

"hey hey it's okay.. what's wrong? do you feel pain??"
y/n questions only to get no answer from him. He remained silent other than whimpers and groans, unable to speak other than feeling the need to scream.


Jeno curses in his mind as he rolled onto his side on the bed, his body instinctively curling into a ball, his hand resting on his bandage over his stab wound.

A flashing light appeared but jeno couldn't do anything. He felt to weak. Pain was erroupting through his body and it wasn't the healing pain.

it's was worse.

"jeno-yah take a deep breath, give me a second"

Jeno tries to take a deep breath. Honestly at this point he was grateful no one could see or hear Jaemin, it would make everything more stressful.

"I think the demons are either torturing you or making you become a fallen angel.. although they chose a dumb place to do it"

I need to get out of here. But I can't just teleport... what do I do.

Jaemin looks into Jeno's eyes and suddenly a different type of pain was felt. It was more so through his throat, but it was soothing compared to the recent pain he felt.

"speak now"

"g-guys.. I'm going to go outside for a second.."
He mumbled, not knowing what else to say. Sure, he didn't know how on earth he was going to get outside but Jaemin should be able to help him with that one.

"dude what? You look like you are dying! You need to rest"
"I need to go somewhere though,, I'll be back later"
Jeno looks into y/n's eyes and y/n realises he is trying to get away.

"okay fine. be back soon or else we will just be worried as hell"
y/n said, almost in a scolding and whining voice. Nagging him to make sure he came back. He nodded and now came another struggle.

Jaemin help me get out please and thanks

Jaemin scoffs and looks at the helpless boy trying to stand, he was still feeling the exact same killing pain, but tried his best to cover it up.

"alright alright I'll help"

Jaemin moves in front of the boy, putting his hands under Jeno's arms. Jaemin kept a weak hold of him to make it look natural. Jeno stood up and held onto the bed because he can't just hold onto Jaemin. They will just see jeno holding onto hair and somehow being fine.

He stands up straight and starts walking as normal as he can yet the pain was getting harder.

Jaemin I can't do this

"don't give up now!"

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