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Jeno sits on the soft ground of clouds and feels somewhat peace be brought upon him

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Jeno sits on the soft ground of clouds and feels somewhat peace be brought upon him. relief taking over his mind as he focuses on his breathing for the first time in a while.

Relaxing his mind completely, focusing on his now calm breath. If only it was always like this, as calming and relaxing as this.

would it be like this when he appears on earth? would it be easy as a human? he couldn't remember that much about himself when he was human, it had flushed to the back of his mind.

His eyes fluttered open, looking at Jaemin who was staring down the hole still.
"when do I go?"
"whenever you are ready."
Jaemin mumbles under his breath. Jeno moves along the clouds, crawling next to his friend and taping his legs.
"what's wrong?"

Jaemin let's put a sigh and falls backwards into the clouds, immediately bounces up again safely as if it was a trampoline. he laid there comfortably, debating on what to do with his poor feelings.

"I don't want you to go.. you are my first friend. The other angels are too busy or they aren't people I like to hang out with."
Jaemin says with his complaining voice on, a pout formed across his lips as he gave off puppy eyes.

"why can't you still visit me?"
"it won't be the same Jeno.. you aren't a devil anymore."
"okay but like why don't you speak to whoever runs this place and get permission to be my guardian angel and be able to appear and speak to me and where it is only me who can see you when you do that.. just like when I was a devil?"

Jaemin sighs. Ruffling his hair, looking around the dimly lit clouds as another day had passed on earth and the sun was setting. The fairy lights around the clouds brought an orange tint to it, bringing out the beautiful lighting.

Jaemin stands up, pulling on Jeno's arm as he did so. He pinched Jeno's cheek, confusing Jeno while Jaemin just smiled.

"fine I'll ask, no promises though."
Jeno jumps up and down excitedly as he watched his friend run away through the clouds to find someone to speak to about this.

Minutes passed, and what felt like hours had only been around twenty minutes. Jeno continued to stay still, only looking around by moving his head and eyes. Glancing around
through the clouds to try and see the moon.

The moon glowed beautiful in a last quarter, sharing a the beautiful glow onto the orange tinted clouds. Jaemin returns to where Jeno was patiently waiting, out of breath due to his running through the clouds.

Jaemin took in a deep breath and relaxed his breathing. Who knew it would be hard to run on clouds. Having to balance yourself as you could technically fall through if you weren't careful enough. At any minute a cloud could decided to seperate, creating a hole and an angel could fall through.

Nothing bad would happen they would just be scolded for not being careful enough. Even if it wasn't exactly their fault.

Jaemin gave off his beautiful smile and run to hug jeno. The two fall backwards and Jeno groans at the sudden impact of weight from Jaemin that had been pressed onto his body. Jaemin hugged tightly before letting go, stepping back from Jeno.

"I'm allowed!! I'll be your guardian angel!!"

the two smile happily before Jeno looks down the hole again, glancing around the town where he wanted to move too.

"I think I'm ready."
Jaemin sighs and walks next to Jeno, both looking down into the hole in the clouds, down to the earth.

"I'm ready to become human again.."

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