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the pounding on y/n's bedroom kept getting louder and louder as her mother yells

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the pounding on y/n's bedroom kept getting louder and louder as her mother yells.

her mother yells as she continues to knock on the door loudly.

y/n groans in annoyance and slowly sits up. Sliding out of her bed she slowly walks over to the door and opens it.
"I'm up.."
her mother scoffs and walks back downstairs as y/n closes her door again.

wait what? I'm home? I woke up in my bed??

y/n brushes the thoughts away and just guesses either Jeno brought her back or it was an odd dream.

her phone alarm goes off randomly and she checks it

9:30 am
better be at the bus stop

y/n giggles at her alarm name before panicking as she realised she her bus comes in 8 minutes.

She goes to her closest and quickly changes into a hoodie and jeans. She proceeds to run to her bathroom and brush her teeth. She then brushes her hair quickly and ties it in a lose low ponytail.

She runs out of the bathroom and rushes to her desk and grabbing her laptop and pencil case, along with a few pages that she needed putting them in her backpack, before she noticed a note folded up.

she grabs the note and puts it in her pocket, and throws the bag over her shoulder onto her back. Grabbing her phone and keys she quickly runs out of her room, downstairs and she grabs a drink bottle in the fridge.

"I told you to stop ignoring your alarms"
y/n's mother says in an annoyed tone as she watched her daughter run around grabbing her things.
"I DIDN'T ignore it!! I slept through it!"
her mother hums in response and continues reading her book.

"okay goodbye mum"

y/n says as she puts her shoes on. Not waiting for a reply y/n runs out of the house, bolting to the bus stop.

Jeno calmly waited out the front of the campus in a car, to be specific, y/n's car.

a sly smirk across Jeno's face as he sits in the drivers seat. His hand's brushing on the wheel as he patiently waited for y/n to leave and be confused.

Soon enough everyone started leaving the building one by one. Jeno waited for y/n to finally leave and be surprised to see her car.

Which is exactly her expression.

she froze and all the other University students just looked at her before continuing to walk past her. Slowly she stepped towards the car and sees Jeno, inside.

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