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Jeno heaves out a loud sigh and turns around, a bitter smile placed on his face as his eyes scanned for the boy who called his name

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Jeno heaves out a loud sigh and turns around, a bitter smile placed on his face as his eyes scanned for the boy who called his name. Finally finding him, running towards him jeno moves aside just as the boy was about to hug him.

"aish come on, I will hug you one day"
"mmm not sure kid"
"dude we are the same age!! I'm not a kid!!"

"than stop acting like one"
jeno said ruffling the boys hair, messing it up as he huffed out a sigh.
"I hate you sometimes Lee Jeno. Why can't you just y'know not be a pain"
The boy said as he tried to fix his hair.
"I could say the same about you"

Jeno said as he put his sandwich into his coat pocket, along with his hands.
"let's go to the library so we can study for this stupid group project"
The boy muttered lowly, still annoyed with his actions as his hair was now no longer the style he wanted.

Jeno nods his head and walks with a fast pace to the library. The boy followed behind him, trying to catch up.
"jeez slow down. It's not a race"
jeno fastens his pace making the other boy groan and start running to only hit Jeno's back.

Jeno spins around and looks at the slightly shorter boy. The boy rolls his eyes, not even the tiniest bit intimidated by his friends actions.

"off all my years of being your friend... this is the first time you hit me."
"you are exaggerating. I've hit you many times before-"

Jeno screams like a child, laughing at his friends reaction. Renjun starts chasing after him as Jeno screams running towards the library. Just as they reached the entrance both stopped and acted as if they were just having a banter a few seconds ago.

They make their way to the corner of the library where Renjun places his bag before leaving to go grab a few books.
"okay read this page to this page then answer the questions I give you than you are free to go okay?"

Jeno sighs and nods his head. Leaning back in the chair, he rests his elbow on the bench and pressed his head against the palm of his hand.

Renjun slides the book along the table to Jeno, before reading himself. Jeno sits up properly and reads the words throughly. Somehow, he understood it easily.

He glanced over to the sheet of paper renjun had brought, which was their project. He looked over the questions they had already answered until he came to the next one.

"answer is C"
renjun looks up from his book and over to jeno, who was tracing his hand down the page as they continued to read the other questions.

"and this is A"
Jeno closed his book as renjun circled the answers in red pen. Renjun grabbed the piece paper and puts it back into his bag. Jeno stands up, taking his coat off and resting it onto the top of his wrist as he brings his arm close to his chest, holding the coat over his arm, while being pressed against his stomach so it doesn't fall.

"I'll be off now"
jeno says, only earning a hum form renjun who was reading the book to make sure they got everything correct.

Jeno leaves the library, making his way to exit the university and make his way back to his apartment. His head hung down low, looking down at his feet as he walks quick steps to the exit when he feels a push from his shoulder.

He looks up with a cold gaze, noticing a boy who was quick to apologise.
"I'm so sorry, I'm going to be late for my class I wasn't paying attention-"
the rest of his words became a blur when Jeno looked to his face, noticing who it was. He examined the boy in confusion.


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