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no ones pov

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no ones pov

the cold air hitting the girls skin as she stood there lost in thoughts.

"what the hell is he?"

she mumbles as she walks to the bus stop. Looking at the time as she arrived she sighs.

I was so caught up in all that I forgot I missed my bus... how do I get home??

she puts her phone is her pocket as she leans her head against the poll that held the bus timetable's up. The only option she had was to walk home..

walking wasn't bad, she didn't live that far.. it was more so the way she had to get home. Walking through the dark streets and the eerie roads and tunnels. Stray dogs and cats running around the town's darkest roads.

She slowly starts dragging her legs along the ground, walking in the dark streets, alone and having a half dead phone. Not exactly a situation you want to be in.

her legs quicken as she walks through the dark tunnel, feeling odd. As if she was being watched. She takes her phone out quickly and checks the time.
9:30 pm.

god what if I am being followed?? what if that dude came back?! will he kill me this time?

Thoughts running through her head, unaware of the pair of eyes staring at her figure. The eyes never leaving her figure, watching her every move.

she stops walking she sighs and looks around.
no one.
nothing at all, or so she thought.

still feeling as if she was being watched she runs a bit. More so skipping but it was fast, trying her best to look causal and not in a panic.

the figure emerges from the trees and onto the path, where the figure followed y/n closely. Walking faster and faster catching up to her.

All along, Jeno was watching. She was still innocent, not a sinner. She hasn't told anyone, so technically he couldn't do anything to see her again. Something kept him from looking away, unable to look away. As if he felt he need to make sure she was okay. Something about her innocent aura made Jeno pay attention to her.

the figure grabs her arm, swinging her around. Her eyes widen as she goes to scream but that's when time stops. Jeno teleports away from the scene and someone light, light colours, white and gold around. Obviously not the usual place he gets teleported to, aka hell.


he freezes as his eyes adjust to the light and he sees an angel. A sweet looking boy with his blond hair.
"hello, we don't have much time but I'm Na Jaemin, y/n's angel. I froze time quickly so we have a few minutes, if you can get her out of there we will consider letting you get here quicker. It's up to you but you will save her"
Jaemin says, talking in his husky deep voice. Jeno scoffs and looks down debating with himself.

"why should I? my job is to kill sinners and bring their souls to hell. nothing more. my job isn't to save people"

"you can decide yourself, I, as an angel, can't do anything from up here... I can only send her warning's and help her very slightly. you have access to her so you can save her fully."

"not my job. send me back now"
Jeno mumbles. His face continues to be fierce as Jaemin just smirks. Jaemin leans forward to him as Jeno glares.
"you'll change your mind soon"
he whispers to Jeno before sending Jeno back.

Jeno grunts as he watches y/n get grabbed and dragged away to a place under the tunnel. Jeno teleports and follows her around. Watching as she is trapped in a room.

what the hell does this gang want to do with her?!

the next day comes around, unknown to y/n she had a presence with her.

Jeno waiting for the perfect time to kill the gang members. He needed y/n out of there for one.

a gang member walks in, the same dude from last night. A simple smirk over his face as he throws some food at y/n.
he smirks and walks out.

jeno replays Jaemin's words through his mind
"you have access to her so you can save her fully."
Jeno groans in frustration and appears in front of her just as she goes to take a bite. She looks up and stares at him in confusion.
"how did you get in-"
"doesn't matter, don't eat it"
"what why? I'm hungry.."
"you'll die if you eat it. you got taken by a gang member, why would you just calmly eat their food? plus you can clearly see that something was ejected into it"
he moves closer, pointing at a needle size hole that has something leaking out of it. y/n nods slightly and puts it down.
"what and who are you"

y/n looked up from her lap and sees he left, vanished into thin air.
"what the fuck are you"

jeno saving y/n from getting poisoned but won't even get her out 🙄
sorry if the updates aren't daily, I'll try and update every few days. It's just I have just started going back to school and my body is drained, but I'll try and update a few times when I can :)

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