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Jeno finished his drink first, watching as y/n tried her best to drink the now warm drink

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Jeno finished his drink first, watching as y/n tried her best to drink the now warm drink.

"I think I did burn my tongue"
she mutters, sticking her tongue out then pouting. Jeno laughed a bit at her and nodded his head, agreeing that she probably burnt it.

she finishes the drink and eats the now soggy marshmallows left in it.  She stands up and takes the cups to the bin hands the plate back to the worker.

She walks back to the table and stands at the end of it. "thank you for the drink"
She says smiling at him as he just stood up and smiled back.
"no problem, it's cold so I just thought it would've nice to have a hot chocolate, which it was"

the two walk out of the shop into the streets which were slowly getting people along them.
"It's 8:03 now, what should we do?"
Jeno said walking on the streets just looking at the ground, watching as the light changed depending on where they were.

"hmm, let's go to a park or something"
y/n suggested and the two walked down a few streets before coming upon a park.
"this is where I went with Yangyang and haechan when we first became friends"
She exclaimed with a grin on her face remembering those days where it felt so simple yet so complicated.

"haechan also admitting to liking me when we first met at this park, it was after you disappeared. He said he no longer had those feelings, which is a good thing I guess, considering it would've felt awkward if he still did.. I don't like him like that y'know?"

jeno nods his head and climbs up the playground to sit at the top of the slide.
"this makes me feel like a child again..."
He said, a smile appearing onto his face as he couldn't help but remember when things were so easy for him. Before his life turned up side down.

"why did.. you become.. a demon again?"

the question she had been longing to ask him as she felt like she knew nothing about him because of his past.

"I was framed.."
"for what?"

jeno falls silent, drowning into his sudden memories of when he was a demon.

The sensation of water dripping down his skin brings back all the memories from his Human life.
Oh the pain
Oh the misery.
all the lies he had to go through just to be taken away? humans didn't believe him, nor did hell, nor did heaven. Wasn't until it was too late that everyone realised he was innocent.

The light rain falls directly onto his face, making him remember the feeling of crying, the feeling of pain. Not the pain where you are hurt physically, the mental kind of pain, the mentally hurt.

The things he went through as a Human all flowing back to him as he leans against a brick wall in the rain, resisting the urge to give up. The way that earth was a second hell. Maybe nicer if you find the right way to enjoy it, but that's the same as hell, Find a way to enjoy and your good to go.

he sighs and looks back at y/n, who just stayed silent looking at him curiously. He looked down at his lap.
"I.. was framed for murdering someone."


that was all she could think about now. oh.
feeling terrible for bringing it up she quickly bows and mutter quick apologies causing him to laugh.
"It's okay, I was bound to tell you one day"

she only felt more curious now, but her questions were soon given answers as Jeno kept speaking.

"I was wearing the same outfit as this other guy, other than the top, I wore a plain black t-shirt one, he wore a black t-shirt with some designs on it."

He sighs, remembering how horrible he felt.
"ironic that I got framed because of an outfit. Anyway we were both wearing a mask and hat so it really hid our identities. anyway he killed someone at night. After they left must've been when I came, I walked around the corner and saw the body.. I went to try and help them."

He lifts his head up and looks at y/n who's hand was going to Jeno's but kept debating with herself. Jeno grabs her hand and held it, his thumb softly caresses the top of her hand.

"I didn't realise they were already dead though. and a demon appeared, and said something then killed me, taking my poor soul away."

Jeno looked at y/n and smiled.
"that's why I got a second chance at life"

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