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Jeno moves out of view from the group of three

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Jeno moves out of view from the group of three. Walking into a alleyway he tries his best to remember where he remembered the other boy from.

flashback two :
the panicked screams of people filled the town up as Jeno quickly teleported the body away, along with himself. He laid the body against a tree before teleporting back to the town. Normally he wouldn't do this but he was beyond curious why there was screams, did someone see? He teleports to a toilet stall in the old club. He pulls his hood over his hair and the mask just below his nose.

a boy shouts as he looks at two older men.
"it means we have a killer and they are close by, in that alleyway for sure, as well as that mans body."

"Yangyang take a deep breath, you stay here watching the cameras I'll go out and look.."
"if I call the police we all go to jail or we all get a very expensive fine!"

Yangyang huh?
Jeno thought as he walks past the counter where they were gathered.
"I'll go look"
jeno says with his raspy voice. He still wasn't used to speaking.

"it's too dangerous"
Yangyang says stepping forward to the boy.
"it's okay, I'll be fine. you watch"
Jeno does his eye smile and leaves the club building, walking to the alleyway. Right before he enters the alleyway he does a little bit of magic on the camera. Making it break and everything that they have seen is no longer on camera, and they can no longer use this camera.

Jeno walks casual up and down then empty alleyway. He was beyond happy that he did choose to go back now, because now he won't be caught.

"you okay?!"
Yangyang shouts down the alleyway, and watches as Jeno appears back into view again and nods.
"nothing is here?"
Yangyang shives and runs back inside to tell the others. As for Jeno, he leaves the town to find the next sinners.

End of flash back

he looks at the girl and sighs.
oh y/n.

he walks back out of the alleyway and passes and three. They all glance at him but they don't pay much attention to him, expect one. y/n.

"hey I'll be back"
the two nod at her as she runs to Jeno who was still walking.
"jeno, you got caught"
"I have met them. I can say I dyed my hair a few days ago,,

now go away"

y/n stops walking while Jeno continues, refusing to speak to her as he didn't want anything bad to happen to her.

please understand I'm doing this to protect you.

y/n slowly turns around and runs to catch up to Yangyang and Haechan. Trying her best to hide the disappointment on her face.

"what was that all about?"
Yangyang asks as he looks back to Jeno, who was still walking away.
"I know him, I was just saying hey"
she smiles and looks back at Jeno too. Her smile falling a bit as she wonders.
why did he push me away like that?! weren't we becoming friends??
hi very short updates but I'll update like twice or more a day idk lol but only this update today because I got a bit "busy"

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