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minutes passedno, hours passed

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minutes passed
no, hours passed.

the two just continued sitting on the playground, only getting off when children came to play. But once the kids left they went back on the playground, sitting at the top of the slide and talking comfortably.

both getting comfortable around each other.
y/n spoke about her assignments, and how her group with haechan and Yangyang were doing the best out of the whole class.

she spoke with a huge smile on her face, as she spoke about how she would soon be able to really get the chance of being a music teacher.

she spoke of how it became her dream ever since she was little and how the music teacher she had was one of the best ever. She taught her how to play instruments so calmly and never got mad when a student couldn't do it.

y/n said she wanted to be like that, be as amazing as that teacher was to her.

jeno listened to her stories with a fond smile upon her face. listening carefully, catching all the details as he stared at her face. Watching her expressions lighten up every time she remembered something else to talk about.

She was extremely passionate when talking about the instruments she can play, she almost sounded as if she had never spoken to anyone about this before.
Her face was full of pure excitement as she continued talking on and on about things she loved. While jeno listened, getting genuinely curious about it.

"sorry, I've been talking for a long time.. are you bored?"
y/n suddenly said, realising she had non stop been talking about herself. Jeno shakes his head at her and frowns.
"no no don't be sorry, keep talking I'm curious."

He noticed her hands were fidgeting with each other so he grabbed her hand and started playing with it while asking a question.
"wait so you are best at flute and piano and you play a lot of other things.. so what do you want to learn?"

y/n's lips curled up into a smile and she shrugged her shoulders.
"uh I'm not sure, maybe learn how to play the drums again?"
Jeno nods and smiles at her.
"are the drums hard? they seem easy but then again way to complicated for me"
y/n giggled and slightly nodded.

"not the hardest in my opinion but they can be a bit confusing"
Jeno makes an "ahh" sounds and then falls silent as he listens to her continue to talk about how she wanted to play the drums but couldn't because there weren't any teachers who could teach her at her old school, when she was younger.

jeno straighten her hand out and placed his hand on top, flipping them over so hers was on top now and then giggled. y/n looked down and saw how he was comparing the hand size difference. She pouts and looks up at him.
"okay mr big hand"

Jeno gives an eye smile and quickly interlocks his fingers with hers, watching her expression turn into a shocked and flustered one. She blushed and looked away for a second, a smile on her face as she giggled to herself quietly.

Jaemin lazily walked along the clouds, near the dark forbidden clouds where hell's entrance and exit was. Suddenly a lightening strike happened and Jaemin spun his head to the dark clouds, seeing a demon in the dark clouds, watching peacefully.
"may I help you?"
Jaemin asked, looking at the demon confused.

"wasnt jeno meant to forget about his life as a demon, or even his life before he was a demon."

Jaemin shrugs, yet he knew. Jeno was meant to forget but even if he didn't. There was nothing they could do now.

"he made a friend when he was a demon, he made three to be exact."
The demon continued as Jaemin grew bored. Didnt they know this stuff already?


"one of the people he was friends with remembers, and now they are friends again."

"okay and what's the problem with that?"
"he broke a law within hell and even went back to earth with memories. how."

"how what?"
Jaemin scoffed, getting annoyed.
"there is nothing we can do, nothing at all. we can't take his life away again. if that happens, any and all demons involved with it will be killed and there soul thrown out of the universe or burned alive. you of all people should know that."

The demon rolls his eyes and looked away.
"Na Jaemin, you did something. I know it. How would he remember without the help of his angel friend."
The demon growled and then turned around and walked back into hell. Jaemin sighs and looks down into the hole in the clouds. Looking down at the town where jeno lived in.

"oh the things I risked for you Jeno.."

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