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Jeno sits up in the bed where he feel asleep in

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Jeno sits up in the bed where he feel asleep in. He runs his hand through his dark blue hair and lets out a tired yawn. He looks over to his side table, his eyes still half closed due to them adjusting to the light coming from the outside. He stared at the blonde hair dye and lets out a annoyed groan.
"I guess bye blue hair..."

he stands up and grabs the hair dye box, taking it to the bathroom where he grumpily puts it on the counter.
"jeez why do I have to do human things.. why can't they just magically give me a different hair colour."
he rolls his eyes as he stares into the mirror. He tired face just stayed still for a few minutes before he grabbed his phone out of his pocket and placed it on the bench. He had gotten the phone from his leader when he first started

Jeno blankly stares at the iPad screen as he watches a video on how to dye your hair blonde.
"this doesn't help at all!! I'm not bleaching my hair!"
He yells as he closes out of the video. He clicks another one, but it's the same thing.
"looks like I have no choice but to read instructions"
Jeno says in a happy sarcastic voice. He grabs the box and reads the instructions.
He follows the steps and finally gets to the part where he adds it to his hair.
"aish... here goes nothing..."
he mumbles to himself and starts applying the hair dye to his hair.

He tongue sticks out of his mouth as he concentrates on placing the hair dye onto his hair. He manages to get the hair dye done perfectly at the ends, he tried his best to get it in the roots but, ended up failing a bit.
"oh well, I'll just have blue roots I guess"
he shrugs and takes off the plastic gloves. He reads the instructions and puts the box back down.
"now we wait thirty minutes- eh? THIRTY MINUTES OF DOING NOTHING?!?"

y/n opens her eyes due to the sudden flash of light that filled her room up.
"it's already 11 am jeez. when did you go to sleep last night??"
Her mother says as she pulls y/n's curtains open. She walks over to her bed and looks down at her tired daughter.
"I woke up at 5 am then I was awake until like 7 am since I couldn't fall back asleep... then I feel back asleep..."
y/n says defending her sleeping schedule even though she knew she needed to fix it. Her mother scoffs and laughs at her daughters excuse.
"mhm sure, but you should get up if you still want to go shopping with me?"
y/n's eyes finally adjust to the light, she opens her eyes and looks up to her mother with a small smile and nods.
"yeah yeah..."

Her mother leaves the room and goes back downstairs to talk to her husband who was working on his business papers.
"hunny, I just don't think this is the best thing to do to her.."
"I know. I don't want to do this either.."
"then how about we do something else.. we can't just take her life here away.."

y/n gets up out of her comfortable bed and makes her way to her cupboard where she changes into some new clothes. She wears a white crop top and some black jeans. Her whole outfit rather complimented her body perfectly. The plain colours brought out the colour of her beautiful eyes that had a shiny gloss to them in the sunlight.

She brushes her teeth and ties her hair up into a loose pony tail. She happily looks in the mirror and smiles upon seeing her outfit.

She runs downstairs and approaches her mother.
"can we get some McDonald's for my breakfast pleaseeeee?"
y/n pleaded while showing puppy dog eyes to her mother. Her mother just laughed and nodded while grabbing her keys.

"hunny! We are going shopping! we'll be back soon!"
"alright bye!! make sure to tell her!!"
"yeah yeah"

y/n looks at her mother in confusion.
tell me what?

her mother opens the door and unlocks the car.
"come on, what are you waiting for?"

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