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y/n exclaims out of shock. The two boys nod slowly and stay quiet and wait for her to give a response.

A minute or so pass, and the boys were worrying, she hasn't replied but instead just sat there with her jaw dropped as she wonders what to say. So much going through her mind at once.

"can you say something....?"
Haechan asks nervously, he didn't know how she would react to that, they had never told anyone.
"woah... I'm just shocked.. you guys don't seem like street racers"
y/n says in a shocked voice, the boys sigh in relief and look at y/n.
"so you won't tell anyone?"
"no.. well no promises, a secure secret though if you let me join you guys?"
the boy yell out in sync.

"I said, I'll keep it a secret if you guys let me join you, like let me street race with you"

Jeno rushes around corners of the new old town, one he hadn't been too since he first started this whole thing. The rules getting tighter as they pick up his mistakes, fortunately they hadn't caught on to the fact that Jeno has been around y/n a lot, becoming friends or not it was against the rule.

"this one is forbidden and will decrease your chance of becoming a fallen angel, but it is forbidden for you to become friends or fall in love with a human, it's also a bad thing for you to be around someone a lot, you can't willing go and share information about what and who you are to anyone and everyone. We are a secret that is going around being called a myth and we must stay that way. We stay having the title of 'Myth'. If people find out we are real, hell will be brought upon them."

Jeno keeps that thought into the back of his mind, making sure it's not forgotten but not his main focus.

"hell brought upon them... am I going to end up hurting humans? am I going to end up hurting y/n?"
Jeno wonders with the sudden realisation, he is going to hurt them.

I should leave her now.. and keep her out of trouble but do it so she can't see me. act as if I don't know her?

argh where is Jaemin when I need him.

Jeno thinks to himself as he teleports to a lonely dark street where he leans his back against the cold brick walls. The dark clouds grow thicker and rain slowly start sweeping through, the light shower type of rain.

The somehow comfortable to be in since the weather itself wasn't cold, The rain was the only thing cold.

The sensation of water dripping down his skin brings back all the memories from his Human life.
Oh the pain
Oh the misery.
all the lies he had to go through just to be taken away? humans didn't believe him, nor did hell, nor did heaven. Wasn't until it was too late that everyone realised he was innocent.

The light rain falls directly onto his face, making him remember the feeling of crying, the feeling of pain. Not the pain where you are hurt physically, the mental kind of pain, the mentally hurt.

The things he went through as a Human all flowing back to him as he leans against a brick wall in the rain, resisting the urge to give up. The way that earth was a second hell. Maybe nicer if you find the right way to enjoy it, but that's the same as hell, Find a way to enjoy and your good to go.

"Jaemin-ah, can you hear me? I need to talk to your angel ass..."
Jeno says in a soft mumble, somehow coming out like he was pleading. Somehow he felt the urge to cry. Something he hadn't felt ever since he was brought to hell.

It's been years.

Haechan and Yangyang yell at each other, Yangyang wanting to teach her and Haechan being hesitant. Unlike to yangyang , Haechan immediately didn't feel like it's good idea.

"haechan, is it because I'm a girl?"
y/n asks in an annoyed voice.
"what?! no of course not, you know that! it's just neither of us know how to teach someone how to street race, plus some of the people that hold the street racers are looking for trouble as well. they may get you into doing bad things, as if street racing isn't a bad thing already"
"and? I can handle it Haechan"

Haechan falls quiet and looks down, slightly annoyed how no one listens to his worries.
"I'm just worried, I've seen the things they try and get the new people to do.."
"thank you for caring but if I stay with you guys I should be fine.. right?"
Yangyang nods and looks at Haechan, who sighs and slowly nods as well.
"Then it's settled!! I'm going to become a street racer!!"
y/n exclaims happily, her excitement growing onto the two boys as they grow excited too.

"then we shall get you started, first we should go to the welcoming party, it's this Saturday though... pretty ironic you wanted to join us when we are having a welcoming party soon haha. the welcoming party is a way for you to decide if this is the environment you want to put yourself into"
Yangyang says as they leave the playground, walking down the side of the road back to the main part of the neighbourhood.

"you should fit right in,, as long as you stay away from a blue hair dude"
"there is a rumour going around that some of the older street racers were killed, it was rumoured that a guy with blue hair killed them, I mean they were bad people but I don't know... it could only be a rumour?"
Haechan says with a heavy sigh.

their constant yelling soon disappears from y/n's hearing as she realises everything.

I'm so bad at updating here, but here I am updating again after a week

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