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authors note::
I'm so sorry for the inconsistency in this book I have been extremely busy recently and have only been able to manage my Instagram account.

thank you for 21k plus reads
enjoy reading :)

he smiles and shakes his head.
his eyebrow cocked up as if he was just confused and judging even.

y/n closes her eyes, confused and suddenly doubtful of herself. She lets go of him and opens her eyes, looking up at his slightly taller figure.
"okay, never mind then."

jeno hums in response and walks away, his heart beating against his chest. why couldn't he just say something like
"oh hey yeah I remember you, cool cool"
but no, he can't. He could but he shouldn't more so. he stops walking, standing still as he turns his head over his shoulder. He sees her covering her face, possibly out of embarrassment or for another reason which he didn't know.

he turns back to face in front of him and walks. Walking away from the scene and removing himself from the moment entirely.
"I'll let you know one day...
but that day isn't today."


months past.
months of living his life and having no interaction with y/n. of course the occasional seeing each other on the street, at University or in the cafe.
but never did they speak or have any sign of communication at all.

months of disappointment in what he said.
jeno slowly grew more and more regretful of saying what he said to y/n.
the words running through his mind endlessly, only to remember how disappointed her expression was.
she must've felt so dumb when in reality she was correct.

should I go see her?
would she even care now?
what's the point of going to her?
I should just go, right?

grabbing his shoes, he slipped his foot into them with ease and walked for the door. planning to go to the cafe, make a great, epic entrance, get her attention, ask to talk outside and then, tell her.

in the end they would become friends and everything would be fine.

but thats only a plan.
plans don't always work out.

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