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a week passed by as if it never happened

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a week passed by as if it never happened.

most, if not all, of her constant thoughts of what has happened fading as she focused on her school work and her job.

The cafe slowly getting less sales as the hours cut back a bit due to some of the staff complaining about being overworked and underpaid, even though it was fair pay.

y/n yells as she looks back into the cafe that was in the middle of closing.

y/n had to work with him again, and when it came to closing time he decided to slow down due to being too tired.

he sat there the whole ass shift.

y/n grunted in annoyance as she paced back and forth waiting for him to leave the store so she could lock up.

"here here I had to get my stuff"
Sungho said as he quickly ran out of the store.
"lucky you hurried up, I was about to lock you in"
"you wouldn't and you know it"
y/n scoffed and locked the door before looking back at him.
"I would, believe me, I would"
she said with a glare as sungho rolled his eyes and left to go hang out with his friends.

y/n walked past the alleyway and suddenly everything comes back to her, every single thought she thought she got rid of, came back.

She looks into the alleyway onto to see a man with his back towards her.
"yo.. are you teleporting dude?"
y/n said with a shaky voice as she walks into the alleyway slightly.

He disappears, in front of her.

She rolls her eyes and turns around to go leave not expecting to see him as all he has been doing is teleporting away.

"first time I've seen you actually come look for me hm?"
jeno smirked as y/n walked into him. She shrieked in shock that he was there.

"oh you don't know me yet? you can call me Jeno, or demon or hell or teleporting dude"
he said leaving y/n dumbfounded.

"now real question, why were you looking for me?"
he said bending down to her height so they looked straight at each other.
"just want to know something"
"go ahead"

"so if I told someone about everything you would come and kill me, which is why you have been keeping an eye on whatever on me?"

Jeno smirks and nods proudly.
"I'm glad you understand the basic aspects of 'hell' and 'sins' "

y/n goes to walk past him when she is stopped by Jeno's arm shooting in front of her, stopping her.

y/n looks at him wide eyed as he moves closer to her, holding her arm hard as he quickly teleports away.

a cottage?

pure confusion written all over y/n's face as she looks around the room still in Jeno's grip.
"why did you bring me here"
"to explain hell to you, you pure baby"

y/n hesitatingly nodded and followed Jeno as he gestured y/n to sit down on the couch.

"why did you have to teleport me away?"
"because I'm being watched by angels and devils twenty four seven, this cottage is somehow the only place where they can't communicate with me"

y/n nods and leans back against the couch.
"I'm not meant to explain things but life is boring for me so here"
y/n chuckles slightly at him, he seemed friendly enough..
no no god no he is a devil killing people

"I have been sent back to earth to kill SINNERS. by doing this I get myself a chance to get into heaven, by getting into heaven I can become a fallen angel, by doing that I can get a second chance a life where I know rights and wrongs, and don't make the same stupid mistakes —"

he simply explained, his words slowly started making less and less sense as y/n slowly started falling asleep. Her eyes growing heavy as she tries to hold back the urge to fall asleep.

Slowly giving in, y/n leans to the side, her body falling onto the couch as she curls up in a ball sleeping peacefully.

Jeno stops talking and watches the scene in front of him, her body laying there asleep as he starts to rethink his decision's.
"I should've waited until tomorrow.. maybe then she would listen and not fall asleep"
he shrugged and held her arm lightly.

Teleporting the two to y/n's bedroom. He looks around and sees her room cutely decorated. Her double bed against the wall and a shelf above her bed with a book and a picture frame. A desk in front of her window that has papers all over it.

Jeno lays y/n on her bed, pulling the blankets over the top of her and brushing the hair on her face behind her ears.

"stay good.. don't become a sinner"

I'm writing this at midnight because my internet is on late HAHAHHA I'm about to pass out though so peace out but I wrote this before I posted it because I save these in my drafts so technically it's the next day- I don't make any sense

uh anyway bye HSJHDJD

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