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Jeno tries to stand up, he feels a pair of arms help him up

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Jeno tries to stand up, he feels a pair of arms help him up. Immediately he knew Jaemin was using some sort of power so the others won't see him.

He runs out of the bathroom before the men could stop him. He goes around a corner and teleports right as he heard two boys run into the bathroom.

Jeno appears in a forest, somewhere he wasn't expecting to teleport too.

"Jaemin.. Jaemin!"
jeno shouts as he falls to the ground trying to gain his strength back.

Jaemin says as he lifts Jeno's chin. He stares into his eyes and jeno slowly calms down, feeling the pain in the back of his head disappear.

"the two boys.. two boys went in after I left.. they.."

"you want to save them too?"
Jaemin asks as he kneels down to sit in front of Jeno. Jeno only nods as he continue to try and gain all his composure back. Jaemin looks away and sighs.

"first you need to save y/n. the other two aren't off your worry until y/n is safe, okay?"

Jeno nods and clenches his teeth as Jaemin makes more eye contact.

"stop looking away Jeno, I need to keep this eye contact until you healed."
"why eye contact can type just tap me and I'm magically better"

Jaemin holds onto Jeno's shoulders and pain shoots through Jeno's entire body. He screams loudly and Jaemin stops.

"eye contact it is"
Jeno whimpers as Jaemin lifts him back up and holds him steadily. The continue the eye contact until all the pain in Jeno's body was gone.

Jaemin hugs Jeno gently and stands back up.
"they are still in the bathroom. get y/n out of there. there are two males you need to go against. currently, the two boys are fighting them off while y/n tries to get out."
Jaemin says as he steps away from Jeno.

Jeno nods and teleports to the alleyway next to bathrooms. He takes a deep breath in and starts speed walking to the bathrooms.

he stands outside and listens for a second, listening to the punches being thrown until he hears y/n scream, followed by a loud thud.

Jeno quickly runs inside and sees Haechan laying on the ground, blood across the side of his head. Yangyang runs up to haechan and leans down beside him, yelling his name out but getting no response.

Jeno looks around and sees y/n standing there with her hands over her mouth, covering them as tears stream down her face.

He runs next to her and grabs her hand. She looks at him shocked and more tears stream down her face. He pulls her gently and she lets herself be pulled out of there with him.

They start running away from the bathroom, Jeno holding her hand securely.

He looks back often and sees no one is following so he slows down, still walking rather fast.

They reach the end of the street and then they start going left, straight to the forest.

"I need to take you somewhere safe, where I can leave you. where can we go? your home! let's go there"
Jeno stated out loud but y/n stops walking.

"we need to help Haechan and Yangyang!! we can't just leave them!!"
"y/n it's not safe I need to get you out of here quickly!-"
"no I'm not y/n! But it's not safe!"
"why can't you just teleport there and grab them, take them away and save them!!"
"because then everyone who sees that happen will know I can teleport!! then everyone will know that it's not just a myth and that there are quote on quote people that catch sinners!!"

"but we need to save them!"
y/n throws Jeno's hand away, out of her hand and stomps her feet on the ground like a angry child. Jeno controls the anger in his eyes.

why can't she just understand!!!

"y/n!! stop it! I will save them!-"
y/n steps forward and pushes Jeno's chest, causing him to lose balance and almost fall over.

y/n yells, angry visible through her voice.

Jeno steps forward and suddenly she feels herself grow scared. He grabs her hand and teleports her to outside her house.

"go inside"
he says with a rather cold, irritated voice.

"Jeno.. I'm sorry-"

y/n obeys and walks to her front door. Her mother greets her and notices y/n's off facial expression.
"what's wrong"
".. nothing... just it wasn't fun thats all"
her mother sadly smiles and closes the door as Jeno starts speed walking away.

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