47 // final

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" let's go now, we've been busy all day "They stand up together and Jeno takes her hand in his

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" let's go now, we've been busy all day "
They stand up together and Jeno takes her hand in his. They start walking down the path out of the park, deciding to go home considering it was already late.

"jeno, where do you live?"
she asks out of curiosity. He looks at her for a second, wondering why.
"because I'm moving to an apartment tomorrow, I'm wondering if we live near each other"

he smiles and nods, finally understanding why she asked.
"uh the neo city apartment building complex, the big one with the.. uh.. fancy windows?"

She laughs at him, covering her mouth as she did so before looking at him.
"that's one way to describe it, but I think I'm moving there. It sounds similar."

Jeno looks at her with a big smile.
"I guess I'll see you more often then"

They get to her street, it was already pitch black outside other than the streetlights. They stopped walking out the front of her house, standing by the mailbox as she turned to talk to him.

"walking alone in the dark reminds me of the first day we met, the good and then bad things that came with it."
"the good?"
"meeting you was a good thing, even if we met in a bad way"

His lips rose into a smile as her's did as well.
The smiles soon faded, as their eyes fell from each other's eyes to another thing.


jeno leaned forward and looked into her eyes.
she looked up from his lips to his eyes again. A slight pink tint appeared onto her cheeks as she felt half embarrassed for looking at his lips so freely. But her mind only thought one thing while looking at them.

Silence filled between them as Jeno leaned his face a tiny bit closer. Faces only a few centimetres apart by now, feeling each other's heavy breath fanning their lips.

"can... can I kiss you?"
He said looking down at her lips then looking back up into her soft gaze. She smiled and nodded, lifting herself up a bit so he didn't have to lean down so much.

They pressed their lips together in sync and shared the beautiful moment. Fireworks going off in their mind as it felt magical. Like it was meant to be.

the two kept kissing for what felt like such a short amount of time but who would've known it had already been a few minutes. It only felt like it had been ten seconds for them. They pulled apart to catch their breath and immediately hugged each other.

"let's take things slow, shall we?"
"yeah.. but jeno"
jeno looks down at her and cocks his head to the side, curious.
"let's make it offical. Let's make us official."

He smirked to her words and pulled a bit form the hug, still holding onto her waist.

"y/n, will you be my girlfriend"
She smirked, which turned into the most happy smile ever as she jumped into her arms again.

a week went by in a flash and Jaemin was finally allowed back on the job. He got scolded when they found out he also gave y/n the spell of remembering, which was an accident on his end. He didn't know he even did it.

"also.. uhm jeno and y/n-"
"what? are they dating or something?"

kun nodded and Jaemin sighed, looking at him with pleading eyes.
"please let's just let them be, I'm sick of all of this already man"
Jaemin whined, not wanting to have to make them suffer for being together.
"fine. fine we'll let them be."

Jaemin smiled and looked down the clouds to the city. Seeing jeno and y/n walking and laughing, holding hands and looking into each other's eyes with such love.
"they deserve to be happy."

the end.

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