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"y/n, you good?"Yangyang asks as he gave up arguing with Haechan

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"y/n, you good?"
Yangyang asks as he gave up arguing with Haechan. Both their attention divert to the girl who's face was pale.
"you look like you've seen a ghost"
Haechan giggles yet his voice was concerned, his giggles didn't last long before his face overtook and he stood their staring at her worried.
"tell me more about this blue hair guy"
y/n says breaking the silence between them.

"oh.. uh.. okay?"
Yangyang mumbled before looking at Haechan, gesturing him with his hands to get him to continue talking about the blue hair guy.

"uh so, it was around like.. a week or two ago. The dudes had been on the run form the cops, or so that was the rumour among everyone, so we were all told to keep our distance from them as we didn't know what they did.

a few guys had caught it happen on a camera but it was really.. odd? It was as if he just appeared out of no where as no one saw him enter this town and no one has seen him around.

Anyway, they said he pulled the man away deeper into an alleyway, then the camera went black as he looked at the camera.. the camera after that barley worked and it was all glitchy..

Now the video only shows the man being dragged and then they are gone out of view from the camera. Many suspect the blue man hair man was the one who killed him, well we also suspect he the others who were involved with that man too.

But hey, it's okay, we should be fine.. many people are suspecting the blue hair guy was a 'fallen angel', y'know the myth thing going around. Well whether it's true or not it was weeks ago and we haven't had any sus trouble makers in the street racer area"

Haechan explains everything he knows from what everyone had been telling him.
"I suggest you don't worry though"
"I'm not worried"
y/n says suddenly bringing confusion to their faces.
"I mean, if they were bad people who ever killed them probably knew they deserved it, right? maybe they were doing the police a favour?"

The two pause themselves and think, yeah she may be right. They nod and awkwardly laugh.
"yeah.. nothing to worry about then"
Yangyang says with a smile as they all awkwardly laugh and continuing walking.

Jeno's heart beating awfully fast as he just completed a group kill. 5 of them all trying to attack him. The knife slit on his arm had blood pouring out of it as if it was a fountain.

His heart beat slowing down and his arm feeling a bit stronger again. He looks around until his eyes fall on a boy who was wearing a fully white outfit.

Jeno quickly moves closer to him as he wonders why on earth Jaemin was here.
"I was just healing you, you don't have an angel to help you yet so I'm the angel helping for now."
"well thanks.."

Jaemin looks around and let's out a heavy sigh.
"y/n has made friends."
Jeno simply nods.
"is it really best that I stay away from her?"
"stay away from her and the younger street racers."
Jeno looks up from the ground and makes eye contact with Jaemin.

"what? street racers?"
"yes. stay away from them. no attacking or getting into more trouble with them, got it?"

Jeno shrugs until he feels the sharp pain in his arm come back.
"do you understand Jeno?"
Jaemin says with a cocky grin forming on his face. Jeno aggressively nods and the pain goes away from his arm. His breathing falls back into a regular pace. He glares at Jaemin who wasn't paying attention to him.
"I shall go now, go rest. you have more sinners to get tomorrow."

Jaemin disappears out of view from Jeno and a lightening strike hits the ground near by. of course a storm just had to come now.

Jeno decides to let his feet take him somewhere. His mind all over the place as he wonders if he even wants to a human again. What will happen with his past? will he change completely? look completely different?

he continues walking down the streets until he hears a familiar voice. He looks up and cocks his head at a group of three. Walking his way but non of them were looking at him.

All of them looked familiar in their own ways. All from different scenes. His eyes fall onto the blonde hair boy, most of his hair covered by his hoodie yet Jeno recognised him

The blonde hair boy rushed around the store worried about getting in trouble by their leader.
"5 bottles of soju please"
he says with a sweet smile. The cashier grabs the bottles and puts them on the counter. He hands over the money and grabs the bottles, leaving the store. Jeno approaches his car and stands near it.
"hey, can you take me too wherever the street race is happening? I'm new and wanted to see how it goes"
Jeno says. The hoodie he was wearing covers his hair and the mask covered most of his face, yet he knew his eye smile gave him a very friendly look.

The boy nods and gets into the drivers seat. He puts the drinks on the floor of the passengers seat and unlocks the passengers side door. Jeno gets inside and thanks him.
"what's your name by the way?"
Jeno asks as the boy starts the car.

"I'm Haechan"

Haechan drives a few streets away from the shop before stopping in a car park filled with a lot of different cars. He unlocks the doors and Jeno steps out.
"thank you"

Jeno walks away, feeling happy he succeeded in speaking to someone. The goal ticked of his list of making sure he isn't suspicious when running into someone a few times. Haechan would most likely recognise him in the future if they ever ran into each other again.

End of flash back.

I'm going to be spam updating this book until the end because I really want to finish this book 👁👄👁
Sorry I made you guys wait a bit for this part but hey, I'll be updating a lot more now:)

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