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Days had passed

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Days had passed. But it all felt like a repeating cycle to Jeno.

Wake up, get ready, go to the cafe, go to the university, study, study, study, go home, stress over random things, sleep and repeat.

But, finally something different was going to happen. He had an interview coming up for a job. Jeno was definitely one of the smartest in the unit of business, and he did everything he could to finally finish the course and get a job.

He was applying for the job of selling houses.
working in a real estate was his plan.
why? because he just liked the idea of it for whatever reason.

His interview was in a few hours time and was being held at the university so the worker could get some of the professors ideas.

The door behind him clicks shut as he walks down the hallway to the stairs to leave the building of his apartment.

His flowing black pants and simple white button up t-shirt, along with a light blue coat managed to make him look stunning.
and he knew it.

Walking with such grace making everyone stop and stare for a few seconds, shocked by his beauty. arriving at the tram stop, he got on quickly and took a seat. He didn't look up but he felt the piecing stares of everyone, eyeing him up and down. He looked up and his eyes travelled to a group of girls, who were very much shocked and couldn't help but blush.

They had been caught checking a hot guy out, who wouldn't be blushing? Jeno managed to hold his cold persona and smile at the same time, making hearts drop. All loving him and fearing him. Hurting their poor hearts as to what they felt.

He got of the tram before everyone else, making some girls whine and others sigh.
He walks to the cafe, where his order was technically already made. Based on the time and day, his friend who worked there, would always make his food before hand, and if he doesn't come, the worker himself would just eat it during his break or sell it to someone else.

"thank you"
Jeno said, scanning his credit card.

He sits down at a seat by himself, scrolling through his social media which surprisingly, was rather empty today.

two familiar voices echoed through his mind out of no where. He glanced up and saw two boys, standing rather close to where jeno was.

Haechan notices his presence and grabs onto yangyang whispering into his ear.
"that's the guy I was talking about"
Yangyang pulls Haechan's arm and drags him over to the table where jeno was sitting.

"uh hey can we sit here?"

jeno eyes the two, acting as if he didn't know them. which surprisingly he acted rather well. He nodded slowly and returned his gaze back to his phone, taking a few bites of his sandwich every now and then.

He noticed how the two boys kept going to say something but stopping themselves, hesitating.

"oh I have to get going"
jeno says suddenly, standing up quickly and leaving the cafe, confusing the boys.

"why does he remind me of someone.. god I hate confusion"
Yangyang mutters under his breath while haechan watched as jeno walked away. Fascinated for no reason.

He is a human?
The same question taking over his mind while he was confused by his own thoughts. Of course he is a human?


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