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the weather was going to be extremely cold over the next few days according to the weather on the news and on weather apps

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the weather was going to be extremely cold over the next few days according to the weather on the news and on weather apps. All you needed a sweet hot chocolate every morning and it would make you feel warm and cozy.

and that's exactly what he planned on getting when he went to the cafe, one for him and one for y/n.

he put on some black sweat pants and walked over to the lint roller, making his sweat pants look a lot neater.

he put a simple white t shirt on underneath and a blue jumper on top of it. He put his mask on and left his hair all messy, not caring about it considering it didn't look bad when it was messy.

he grabbed a simple bag and put his phone, wallet and key card for his apartment in there.

he walked for the bus stop, and since it was early morning - to be exact it was 6:57 am - no one would be on the busses unless it was for work, but most people drive their cars if they start this early.

He sat silently on the bus, one head phone in playing his current favourite playlist on shuffle. His mind only thinking about what he should spend his free day doing.

maybe I could hang out with y/n today? get to know each other better!

he smiled at the thought and looked out the window to see that his stop was coming up. Quickly he pressed the red button and the bus slowed down, before coming to a stop. He thanked the driver and quickly got off.

It was still some what dark, but light. It was as if earth was just dimly lit. he walked down the empty streets once again to the cafe.

the sun just peeked over the sweet icy mountains, giving a orange tint to the streets surface.

he walked into the cafe and earned a grin from the worker that was on.
"once again I see you again. are you wanting you're regular?"

jeno smiles at the male and shakes his head.
"two hot chocolate's please, and what do you mean once again. I'm always here!"

the male smiles and presses a few buttons.
"I know I know, just been a while since I've seen you since I'm mainly been working on the drinks when you come here"
jeno nods and goes to take a seat by the against the wall while he waiting for the hot chocolates and for y/n.

He pulls his phone out and the time
7:26 am
he unlocked his phone and went to play some random games for time to pass by faster. Four minutes pass and he whips his head to the door as the bell rings indicating someone walked in. The male worker walked over to Jeno's table and placed the hot chocolates down, with four marshmallows on a mini plate.

"you can put them in the drinks if you wish"
jeno nodded and continued looking at y/n until they made eye contact. She smiled and walked over to him, sitting down in front of him.

"I got us a hot chocolate.."
He said shyly smiling. Even confusing himself with the sudden shyness. She smiled and picked it up, taking a sip.

Immediate regret appeared onto her face as she put it down quickly and started whining in pain from the heat while trying to blow air into her mouth making it look quite funny.

Jeno giggled at her and pushed the marshmallow plate over in her direction.
"want some?"
she nods and quickly grabs two in one hand and opening her hot chocolate lid, plopping them into the liquid and putting the lid back on.

Jeno did the same and the two started a small conversation while debating if they should or shouldn't drink yet considering it was burning hot when they got it.

"y/n, I was thinking maybe we should hang out today..? you know.. get to know each other"

y/n smiled to his words and looked up at him.
"sure!! It would be nice to get to know the human you.."

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