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the two arrive at the mall where they would go shopping, although the main reason was so y/n's mother could speak to y/n while having an excuse to be distracted

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the two arrive at the mall where they would go shopping, although the main reason was so
y/n's mother could speak to y/n while having an excuse to be distracted

"hunny,, I need to tell you something"
y/n's mother says as they sit down at a table in the food court.
"sure go ahead"
her mother sighs and puts the food down, looking at y/n.

"your father and I have been thinking recently and we have made up our decision to move over seas.."
y/n chokes on her food as she lets out a loud gasp. She coughs a bit and quickly chugs down her water before looking at her mother with wide eyes.
"what?! why!!"

her mother looks down with guilt washing over her.
"for your fathers work. remember when we told you he was offered a promotion but it was over seas,, and how he rejected it?"
"well he got that promotion again and well, he has been thinking of actually doing it."

y/n sighs disappointedly.
"mum I don't want to leave everything I have here.. I have finally made some friends! I'm doing so good with my studies too..."

her mother nods understandingly and looks back up to her daughter.
"that's why we are thinking of leaving you here,, with an apartment of your own."

y/n's eyes widened once again.
"we would of course still see you when we get holidays off work or when you come up to visit us.."
Her mother grabs y/n's hand and looks into her eyes.
"are you okay with this? with us moving?"

y/n looks away completely shocked by it all.
"I'm just shocked.. I- I don't know"
Y/n says looking completely lost with life.

"well... if we do end up going it's in a few days.. we already have a apartment ready for you if you want it. If we don't end up going then we can just cancel it.."
her mother lets go of her hands and takes another bite of her food.
"it's up to you really..."

"I want you guys to be happy. you seem really excited to move and I feel as if I'm holding you back, which is not what I want. I want you guys to go live your best life, dad obviously wants this promotion so go for it! i will be fine.."
y/n says comforting her mother about the situation. Her mother smiles softly at y/n and sighs.

"I guess it's settled then.. we are moving and you are staying.."
y/n nods with a smile, yet she wasn't exactly the happiest about this.

"I'm 19, going to be 20 in a few months. I'll be fine, I'm technically an adult"
y/n says patting her mother's shoulder in a comforting manner. Her mother nods and stands up from the seat.
"well let's continue shopping, shall we?"
y/n agrees and stands up as well.

Jeno walks around the town of where the street races were being prepared. Adults roamed around the abandoned town, watching as cars of all sorts enter and find a place to park their beloved car.

Jeno walks into a bar with his nerves flying suddenly.
would they recognise me?
he looked at the bar tender. It's the same person as last time. The bar tender looks at him and smiles, he holds a glass up
"want a drink?"
jeno shakes his head and flashes a smile to the man. He walks away from the bar and into the area where you can sit. He takes a seat and pulls out a phone to make himself look distracted while he waits for something to happen.

I'm back and back with lots of updates hOPEFULLY

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