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"ahh jeno you finally arrived"a dark hoarse voice was heard as jeno flutters his eyes open

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"ahh jeno you finally arrived"
a dark hoarse voice was heard as jeno flutters his eyes open.

Jeno sighed, finally being back where he suffered and lived for years. The red black colouring that filled the walls. The green venom seeping down the towers of old bricks. The screams of angry souls that were being tortured by demons.

Although he felt relieved to be back, he didn't know if it was because he no longer felt the pain or because I lowkey missed it. After being on earth for so long, he started feeling like a human. Maybe that was why he started feeling pain, maybe it was his signal to come back to hell.

The demon, or more so Jeno's boss coughed earning back Jeno's attention.

"jeno-ah, I have news for you"

y/n laid restless on the hospital bed while haechan and Yangyang played around on their phones while laughing at the most random things.

either the medicine they were given was getting to them or they were just trying to lift the mood from the worried feeling that came from y/n.

"come on y/n he will probably be here tomorrow! it's already late and I doubt visitors are even allowed in right now"
Yangyang said as he put his phone down and looked over to y/n who was staring at the blank wall.

"I can't help but worry though... he was in so much pain before he left.."
"look at you.. what are you? his mother?"
y/n scoffed and sent glares to haechan as he shrugs, unfazed by her glares.

"I'm just saying, I'm worried.."

the two boys sigh and look away, giving up trying to make her happy and decide to just make each other happy by telling jokes or looking at funny things on the internet.

y/n sighs and rolls onto her side, her back facing the two boys who focused on each other trying to not laugh during the staring contest they randomly started having.

"please be okay jeno.."
she whispers to herself in a low voice, feeling some what stressed about him.

what if he is gone. gone off earth and back to hell? I mean that would be better than he is missing or dead on earth. okay. I'll just hope he is fine and keep telling myself he is fine because he is.. right?

jeno exclaimed as excitement flows out with the sound of his words. His sound of voice shocked everyone around. Their emotionless sounding whispers filled the room.
"he has feelings?"
"glad he isn't staying here with those rotten things called feelings"
"isn't it odd he is having feelings while in hell? why is he so happy"
"so much for the emotionless jeno"

he ignored there words and focused on his leader. His eyes sparkled, evidently proving he was beyond excited. His lips held a large smile, making it hard for other to not smile themselves. His contagious eye smile, caused some to turn around or look down and crack a slight smile before returning to emotionless expression, while for some he held no big effect on them.

"yes jeno. you are going to be a fallen angel started in —"

The leader over to the large clock that had light coloured venom sliding down the middle.

" — in one hour. In the mean time you will return to earth and do as you please. prepare yourself for pain as well.."

The leader falls silent and thinks of the other things he has to say.

"oh and everyone who has ever met you or had contact with you on earth, they will not remember you at all. It would be as if you didn't exist."

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