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The rain hitting her skin, making her shiver more then she was

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The rain hitting her skin, making her shiver more then she was. Staring straight ahead at the boy.

the two looking at each other until the bus came, y/n's attention quickly diverted to the bus. Grabbing out her card and quickly rushing onto the bus. Refusing to look outside and see the boy.

a girl called out.

y/n says while moving to the seat next to
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

y/n turns her head to cho-hee in confusion. She wasn't even that close with her anymore, ever since University started they barely communicated, so why would she randomly want to hang out.

"I know we haven't been close recently.. but I wanted to hang out with you again, I miss you"

y/n smiles and hesitantly nods. Cho-hee happily smiles and looks back at her phone.
"maybe we can go to this restaurant, I was looking for new food to try so.. why not go with you"
she smiles innocently and shows y/n her phones. Covering the price of entry, for a reason.

"looks good, let's go"
y/n happily replies and looks away from her phone,, looking outside to see the boy.

She watches him shake his head before walking away.
why is he shaking his head? does he know what I'm doing? should I not do this? wait what no ignore him y/n..

y/n thinks to herself as she looks away from the window and diverts her attention to her phone where she played her music.

The bus arrives at the city where cho-hee and y/n were getting off.
"it's this way I think"
cho-hee rushes ahead, skipping to the location of the restaurant. Standing in front of a sign, cho-hee stood waiting for y/n.

the suspicion on her grew more as y/n noticed it. The covering of something on the website and now covering the sign? it wasn't .. normal? unless it wasn't intentional.

"hello ladies, do you have a reservation?"
"no we don't.." y/n replied and the lady smiled and nodded, clicking on her screen before looking back up.
"eat in or take out?"
y/n looks at cho-hee who smiles back and looks at the lady.
"eat in"

the lady clicks more on the screen and gestures us to a table and passes us a table number.
"someone will be here to take your order, for now look at the menu" she smiles and walks away to serve other's.

"holy fu-"
y/n stops herself as she looks at the prices.

Cho-hee quietly laughs but puts her innocent poker face back on and looks at y/n.
"whats wrong?"
"Huh? oh nothing.. it's looks really good"
y/n awkwardly laughs and cho-hee nods in agreement.
"I come here all the time with my other friends"
"I thought you said you have never been here..?"
"I haven't tried all the foods here, i wanted to try a few new things"
she smiles innocently while y/n gets more suspicious of her. Pushing her thoughts aside y/n continues to look at the sheet of paper to find the cheapest thing on the menu.

"hello, how may I serve you?"
A lady says approaching us with a note pad to write our orders down.
"hello, I'll have a Pinot Grigio wine and beef spare ribs"
cho-hee happily states while putting the menu down. y/n calculates the price quickly in her head and always shrieks in shock.

"okay and you ma'am?"
y/n awkwardly smiles before looking back the menu.
"I'll have.. a Coca Cola and.. kimchi soup"
y/n tries to choose the tasty stuff yet not to expensive, she has a budget she doesn't want to spend over it.
"alright I'll be right back with your orders"

"hmm I think that will be like 60 dollars..."
cho-hee says looking at the menu.
"your order was 24 dollars and mine was 36, so 60! I'll pay for this"
Cho-hee grabs her purse out but stops when
y/n hesitated.
"n-no, you shouldn't pay for me.. I'll pay for mine? you'll pay for yours?"
cho-hee smiles but shakes her head.
"it's okay, I know you aren't exactly good on money right now so I'll pay, you can repay me another way."

Her words made y/n feel awkward and uncomfortable.
y/n muttered and awkwardly shifted in her sit.

The afternoon went faster than before, eating quickly while y/n thinks of an excuse to leave.
"that'll be 50 dollars" the waiter says as she grabs our plates to hand them to another worker.
"here" cho-hee grabs her card out and scans it, her innocent face didn't match how somewhat rude she was. This incident only reminded y/n why they weren't close anymore.

"cho-hee, thank you for bringing me here but I just remembered I have somewhere to be. I should get going"
"ahh okay, I'll walk you to the bus then"
she responds with a sweet smile laid across her face. The two of them walk out of the restaurant to the bus stop where they waited for the bus.
"are you close with sungho?"
she suddenly asked.
"pft what?" I asked confused.
She must be playing dumb? Seriously.

"I mean you work with him.. and I always see you guys talking in the hallways at the University"
"he is a jerk to me, he barely even works and just expects me to do all of it"
I respond in an annoyed tone. She nods and looks away to her phone.
"why did you ask?"
"oh, I just thought maybe you liked him or something,,"
I mentally gagged her words and give her a weird smile.
"as if"
I laugh and watch her face light up happily. I take out my drink bottle and take a sip.
"good. Because I like him."
she states with a large smile played on her face. I smile at her until she speaks again.

"so could you like get me and him together??"

I choke on the water I was drinking immediately.
"uhm, for one, why do you like a jerk, two, why should I help?? I barley know anything about him"
"yes but you work with him, you see him a lot, oo maybe you could get me a job at your work"

"we aren't hiring... oh look here is my bus I got to go"
I quickly rush to the entrance of the bus and wait for the doors to open.

"wait y/n-"
I step on the bus and walk to a seat, refusing to look to the other side of the bus as I didn't want to make any eye contact with her.

The sun was setting, the air was still cold from the rain earlier. The golden light struck through the neighbourhood where y/n lived,
but also where Jeno hunted.

y/n still unsure of who he was or what he wanted, she didn't know what to do,, still.

almost 2 days later since the incident and still hasn't told anyone.

should I go look for him myself? I mean,, what do I have to lose?

He always finds me so what if I find him?

jeno is gonna be more involved soon
I'm trying to update this book every 2-4 days depending busy I am ❤️

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