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his heavy and quick steps were the only thing heard on the suburb side walk

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his heavy and quick steps were the only thing heard on the suburb side walk.
completely empty streets.
no one walking, sunset filling the sky with orange and pink clouds.
a beautiful site.

Jeno walks until he is met with an open store, a store next to an alleyway. the cafe where y/n worked.

he pushes the glass door open and is greeted by a girl. The girl's smile falls slightly but she picks it up.
jeno says leaning onto the counter.

she says, fixing her hair off her shoulder, trying to look less nervous. She was feeling a huge amount of nervousness, she still felt like he was the demon jeno. the jeno she fell for in some way. whether it was a friend way, she realised her old self would be non stop thinking about him.

maybe it was the curiosity that she had for him.
or she was attracted to him.
either way human him was most definitely attractive.

"remember what you told me a few months ago? what you asked me?"


Jeno smiles and throws his coat back, his hands fall into his pocket.
"I lied about my answer"
he said with a smug smile. Her smile drops into a frown.

"I was the demon, we do know each other. I became human again."
he says looking at the cupcakes in the glass case.
"I'll take a red velvet cup cake as well please?"

she hesitantly grabs the tongs. Opening the glass case and picks the cupcake up, putting it into a cardboard white box, with the pretty logo on the top.

"I don't believe you.."
she says quietly, as she pressed buttons on the screen.
"four dollars-"
he hands her a five dollar note and grabs the box of the counter, into his arms.
"- thank you."

He smiles and shrugs his shoulders.
"should I prove with some memories only we would know? well before I left out of no where, I was having a lot of pain, right? I fell onto the bed and hugged donghyuck. donghyuck and Yangyang were at the hospital because of a fight against two crazy men.

I took you to a cottage a few times, where I couldn't be monitored by my leader at the time-"

"okay okay I believe you, Jeno."
He smiles and breathes in a heavy breath. He walks over to a table and sits down, the sun was getting closer to the end, dark skies only waiting to appear.

"jeno, let's stay friends. let's keep talking, I wanted to be friends when you were a demon but it wouldn't make sense. you are human now, so let's be friends."

His eyes close as he smiles sweetly. He shyly nods and opens the box, looking at the cupcake.
"do you like red velvet cakes, y/n?"
He says looking up at her with curious eyes. She nods and looks at the cupcake.
"they are a popular sale for this cafe, they are really good."

Jeno looks back at the cupcake before sliding it over the bench, across to y/n.
"enjoy then"

he says before quickly standing up and walking for the exist before y/n could even react or refuse.

He pulls the door opens and looks back to her with an eye smile.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning"

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