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"I think that's all you need to know for now

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"I think that's all you need to know for now..."

y/n nods and stands up, looking around the cottage.

the curtains that flowed against the window in the kitchen above the bench. The fake plants that decorated the kitchen bench along with a chopping board. A fruit bowl filled with apples and oranges.

"does anyone actually live here?"
y/n asks as she turns around to face Jeno who was sitting on his couch.
"yes and no"
y/n raises her eyebrow at him confused on what he meant.
"they don't here very often, it's like a vacation place for them"
jeno explains, he didn't make much eye contact until he noticed she was staring.
"you like staring at me or something?"

y/n shrugs and turns away.
"I find it odd how you aren't even human.. you look so human like"
the silence filled the room up again, This time more of a awkward silence. Jeno stands up and sighs.
"I should bring you back hm?"
y/n nods and walks over to where Jeno was standing, grabbing his arm and holding gently.

He teleports them back to her car, still covered by the bush.
"yooo!! go go!"
y/n heard from somewhere in this abandoned town.
"it's just some rebellious teenagers.. this area is full of them around this time"
Jeno explains while he takes the branches off the car.

y/n moves to the drivers side of the car and gets inside.
"I'll drive this time"
Jeno hesitatingly agrees and sits in the passengers side.

once the two arrive back in y/n's home town, y/n drives back to her house. Just as she was about to say her goodbyes to jeno, his eyes turn bright red.
"J-Jeno.. your eyes-"
"oh, I got to go"

and with that
he disappears.

Jeno's teleports around trying to find the sinner that was hiding from him.

The most wanted sinner in the town currently, and it was up to Jeno to get him.

"not the time-"

Jeno gets teleported away from earth, into heaven where Jaemin stood with his arms crossed.
"hey! I was looking for that sinner"
"hey, we need to talk. I'll give you the sinners location after but you need to listen."
Jeno sighs dramatically but agrees.

"Jeno, you want to become a Fallen Angel right?"
Jeno just nods in confusion.
"and you are in the training process right now, following the fallen angel rules, right?"
Jeno hesitatingly nods and doesn't make eye contact with Jaemin.
"well, currently, you are breaking one of those rules. you should know the rule I'm talking about. you are making this so dangerous for yourself and her."

Jeno stays silent.
"how is this dangerous for her..? they never told me.."
Jaemin sighs and puts his hand in his hair, ruffling it.
"ahh,,, I'll explain it to you then. Everything.l

y/n sits on her bed scrolling through her social media, until something caught her eye.

( the picture is just a picture of Pinterest )______y/n jumps up from her position and sits up straight

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( the picture is just a picture of Pinterest )
y/n jumps up from her position and sits up straight.
was it because Jeno is capturing them all?
is this a good or bad thing?

sighing she puts her phone down on her bed and walks over to her laptop to finish the last paragraph of her assignment.

after a about 10 minutes of getting fully focused and into the last paragraph, y/n hears a yell from downstairs.
"y/n!! dinners ready!!"
y/n's mother yelled from downstairs.

y/n slowly gets up sighing as she moves with long slow steps downstairs. Sitting at the table y/n eats the food quickly without speaking much.
"lately you seem off? are you okay?"
"yeah, I'm fine"
y/n says, sending her mother a sweet smile before continuing to eat.
"just stressed with university since we got a extra assignments"
y/n's mother pats her shoulder gentle.
"don't need to worry, I know you'll do great!"

y/n looks over to where her dad would be sitting, staring at the currently empty seat.
"oh, right, your father went out to get some things for work since he forgot the shop closes soon"
her mother says before giggling slightly.
"that's your father for you"

y/n finished eating and puts her dishes in the sink before walking over to the table again. Leaning down she hugs her mother.
"I'm sorry if I seem off, I'll be back to normal soon"
"it's okay darling"

y/n walks up the stairs, walking to her cupboard she changes into some sleeping clothes and flops onto her bed, her sighs fill up the room and as she crawls under the covers.
lazily she scrolls through her phone one more time before putting her phone aside, falling to sleep.

Once again, y/n runs through the corridors of her university.
oh the deja-vu.
it was an every day thing as a lot of the time
y/n was somehow almost always late.
This time though, she ignores everyone and just rushes to her class.

Taking her seat, she lets out a heavy breath and takes her phone out along with her headphones.
Putting her headphones in her ears she plays her playlist that she has been listening to a lot lately.
The sun shining into the classroom, right where y/n was sitting.
The golden light making her skin glow, and making her look so ethereal.

She stares out the window and watches the trees sway in the wind. Her eyes just closes slightly due to the light.
The professor walks into the classroom but y/n doesn't look towards him, the class didn't start for another few minutes. She wanted to enjoy her music while she could.

"y/n come here"
the professor of the class called. y/n diverts her attention to the teacher and slowly stands up walking to the front of the class. Two boys were standing next to him, both seemingly confident and had good posture.
"these are our two new students, they transferred here. they have very high abilities in this university course so I would like to pare you guys up."
y/n looks at them and bows politely.
"hello, I'm y/n"

y/n looks up and watches as they bow down together.
"hello, I'm Lee Donghyuck, but you can call me Haechan"
the blonde hair boy says first, his voice very soothing to listen to somehow, even though was just his speaking voice.
"hello, I'm Yangyang, Liu Yangyang"
his voice more sharp yet still something nice to listen too. Both didn't have annoying voices and both polite.
that's good.

Mario kart music helped with this ❤️
anyway things are gonna get interesting soon

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