Results (Part 1)

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"Meredith I got your blood results" Owen said as he entered the room. There was a long amount of silence. "What, tell me what" Meredith said loudly. Owen showed her the results. Derek and Meredith looked at each other. Derek was smiling Meredith was looking worried. "Can we go somewhere private?" Owen asked Meredith and Derek. "Yes" Meredith said as she tried to get up. "No don't get up" Owen said as he pulled in a wheelchair. "Where are we going to go" Derek asked. "Let's just go to an on call room" Owen said keeping his voice low. They eventually got to an on call room. They entered the room. "So... I'm pregnant" Meredith said sounding scared. "Well, yes you are" Owen said. "But, the chest pains and you barely being able to breathe are not apart of pregnancy. We need to get you an ultrasound and some test ran to see what is causing that to happen." Owen said. "Ok, but the baby and I should be fine right" Mer asked. "I hope" Owen said. "I will meet you guys up in OB in an hour for tests" Owen said as he left the room. Derek looked at Meredith. "Mer, honey are you ok?" Derek asked. "Yeah I just don't want to have a miscarriage. I don't want to loose this baby like the last one" Meredith said holding back tears. "Meredith. I will make sure that our baby is perfectly fine" Derek said in hopes of cheering up his wife. "I don't even remember the last time we did it" Meredith said softly. "Yeah it's been a couple of weeks" Derek replied. "Der" Meredith said as her eyes watered. "Yes" he replied. "What if the baby isn't ok, what if I have a tumor pressing on it. Just something making my hostile uterus even more hostile" Meredith got out of the wheelchair and laid on the bed facing the wall. Derek laid down next to her holding her tight to make sure she knew everything was going to be alright. Dereks touch made Meredith feel warm and calm inside. An hour had passed since they had that conversation with Owen and now they needed to head up to OB so Meredith could get her tests done. "Hey Owen" Derek said as he pushed Meredith in the room. "Hey, so first we are going to take a ultrasound to see how far you are and then we will run some other tests to see what was happening. "Ok" Meredith said quietly. "Is it ok if I do the ultrasound" Owen asked. "Yes but Owen please do not tell anyone else about this not even Cristina" Meredith said as she looked him in the eyes. "Don't worry I won't" Owen said. Derek grabbed Merediths hand and held it tightly. "Everything will be ok." He whispered in her ear as he kissed her forehead . "Ok please lift your shirt" Owen asked as he was getting ready to take the ultrasound. "This might be cold" Owen said looking at Meredith. Owen placed the wand on her stomach as he observed her stomach for a couple of minutes. "Ok so it looks like you are 4 weeks along" Owen said as he smiled at her. "And I found out what was causing that pain and you not being able to breathe." Owen said quietly. "What" Meredith said loudly as she squeezed Dereks hand. "When is the last time you have drank... water" Owen asked. "I brought her some last night" Derek said. "I didn't drink it though. I haven't drank water in at least 3 days" Meredith said knowing Derek was going to be upset with her. "You are really dehydrated. I'm going to start IV fluids to get water in your system but you need to make sure you drink water Meredith especially since you are now providing for yourself and another human" Owen said concerned. "Ok, ok I will" Meredith replied as Owen hooked her up to the IV. "Now we wait for a couple of hours" Owen said. "Page me if you need me" he said as he left the room.

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