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Meredith ran to the car and drove home. She couldn't wait to tell Derek about the babies kicking. She got out of the car and walked inside of her house. The dream house is almost built but there's is still some stuff that needs done. She sat her bags down and went up to her and Dereks bedroom. She laid in bed waiting for Derek to come home. Next thing you know it was 10 and he still wasn't home so she texted him:

Mer: Derek where are you. I have something important to tell you about our babies.
Meredith got no answer. She figured that he was just in surgery so she called Mark to ask him:

Mer: hey Mark do you know if Derek is in surgery?

Mark: No he left a while ago he said something about going to the dream house.

Mer: why would he go there. I need to show him something. Ok thank you
Meredith did not know why Derek would go to the dream house. She was going to drive over there of course to make sure he was alright. She got in the car and drove in that direction. When she arrived she saw his car there. She got out of the car and walked over towards the house. It looked like Owen was there too. She overheard a conversation between them. "I just don't know why she had to scream at me earlier" Derek said. "Well her body is going through things that we can't even imagine" Owen replied. "Yeah but that doesn't give her a free pass to bitch at your husband lane" Derek sighed. "Actually it does all the hormones and stuff geez" Owen laughed. "I'm just not going to deal with it she obviously doesn't care what I have to say about her or the babies because she is so stubborn. Why did I do this" Derek said. "Wait babies? As in twins" Owen asked. "Well yeah, she told your wife so I can tell you I guess". After she heard him say that she was stubborn and him questioning why he did "this" as in get her pregnant or get in a relationship with her she quickly felt nauseous. She got in the car and drove home. She packed up her bag and drove off she wasn't staying anywhere her husband could find her because she was to stubborn apparently. Which she was kinda stubborn but she didn't want to hear it from him. She didn't care anymore he obviously didn't either according to his words. She arrived to where she wanted to be which was a hotel not to far from the hospital. She checked in and went to her room. In her room she laid down and all she could do was cry. "Why did I do this" Dereks words repeated in her head. She felt dead and cold. She hated herself and him right now. She thought about somethings like how she hasn't eaten in a while and she cared about these babies so she would do it for them. Meredith ordered a pizza. She wasn't to hungry but she wanted to make sure the babies would stay healthy. The pizza arrived and she turned on a movie as she ate. Usually she would cuddle with Derek in this time but not now. That's when her phone started going off:

Derek: sorry Mer I was at the hospital. I'm home now where are you.
Meredith knew he was lying because she saw him at the dream house. He just lied to her. She wanted to respond so she did:

Mer: Derek I needed to tell you something but you were to busy at the "hospital" which I know you weren't there because I have my ways. Why did you do this?
Mer was so pissed at her husband. That's when he called her. She didn't answer she let it ring through. She wasn't working tomorrow so she didn't care if it was late she was going to watch movies and call Cristina. Meredith called Cristina and told her to come over to the hotel so they could have a sleepover and so she could ramble about Derek. Cristina agreed and headed to the hotel. When she got there Mer let her in her room. "Do not tell anyone where I am or that you were with me or any of this conversation" Mer said sounding angry. "Mer I won't. Now what's wrong with you and Derek?" She asked. Meredith told her the whole story. "Why would he say that" Cristina asked. "I don't know" Mer replied. A couple hours passed and Cristina fell asleep. That left Mer. She turned and laid on her left side because she read somewhere that it was best for the babies. She stared at the wall and thought about everything that happened. It killed her she wanted to be with her husband but he wanted to be an ass. All she did was cry until 6 am came around and Cristina woke up for work. She told Mer that she was leaving and Mer replied with "Ok have a good day and please please please don't tell anyone I mean anyone that you know where I am and stuff." Cristina agreed as she headed out the door. It was going to be a long day.

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