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Meredith woke up from a horrible nightmare about Bailey getting really sick with cancer. She felt sick to her stomach and was hyperventilating. Derek wasn't home because he was on call so she didn't have him to calm her down. She sat in the bed for 5 minutes trying to calm herself down and when she finally did she looked at the time '3:30 am' she read. She heard a cry coming from Ellis and Baileys room so she went to see who it was. It was Bailey crying probably hungry. Meredith picked him up and took him back to her and Dereks room. "Are you hungry baby boy" She asked in a quiet baby voice. Meredith went to the kitchen to get some breast milk out of the freezer and then put it in a bottle for Bailey to have. After Bailey ate, Meredith burped him and couldn't put him back in his crib. She just was in aww with the baby in her arms. She held him and he soon fell asleep. "You're so handsome" She giggled. It was now 4 am and she took Bailey back to his crib and she went back to sleep. At 6 am she was woken by a noise of the front door opening. It was Saturday so there was no school and Meredith and Derek had no work. Assuming it was Derek who just entered the house she got up and ran to the living room. "Hey" She smirked. "Hey" He grinned. "Long night" Meredith asked. "Uhm yeah but I got some sleep" Derek replied. "That's good" Meredith smiled cheerfully. "Meredith can we talk" Derek asked. "Uhm- sure" Meredith replied. What could he want to talk about? Is he mad at her? Derek took Merediths hand and led her to their bedroom and shut the door. "Mer, I love you and our kids. I love everything about my life. I never wanted kids until I met the right person which is you. I want more" he sighed. "More?" She questioned. "Another baby" She asked. Derek smiled. "You're kidding me" she giggled. "Just one more" Derek laughed. "I guess we could have 1 more they are super adorable" She smiled. "And we make perfect babies" She added. Derek started to kiss Merediths neck. "Wait right now" She asked. "I mean if that ok" He replied. Meredith and Derek made out for a good hour until they heard Ellis crying. "I'll get it" Derek smiled getting up and pulling his clothes on. As he was pulling is clothes on Meredith asked him something. "Do you think it worked" She smiled. "Maybe, maybe not. But if it didn't we will just have fun doing it again" He smiled making her laugh. He left the room to get his little princess Ellis. He picked her up and brought her to Their bedroom. "Mer look how cute she is" Derek smiled. "Come here my precious" Meredith said in a baby voice. Derek handed Ellis to Meredith and laid in bed next to Meredith who was rocking Ellis back in fourth so she would stop crying. "She's so beautiful she looks like you" Derek grinned making Meredith blush. After rocking Ellis for a couple of minutes she fell back asleep then Bailey started to cry. Derek went and got Bailey and repeated that same things they did with Ellis hoping they would stay asleep for at least another hour. Luckily the kids stayed sleeping for another hour until Zola came in the room and wanted breakfast. Meredith and Derek got all the kids fed and dressed to go to the park. When they got to the park Zola ran off to play and Meredith and Derek grabbed the twins and held them. "Derek" Meredith sighed. "What's up" He questioned. "Last night I had a dream that Bailey got cancer" She said looking sad. "I worry about them all the time" She shed a couple of tears as she said that. "Aww Mer, you are going to worry. They are our babies" Derek said as he hugged her. Ellis fell asleep but Bailey was still awake staring up at the trees. Zola played at the park for about 30 minutes then got tired so the crew went home. Meredith put the twins down for a nap and Derek made Zola lunch. Meredith walked over to Derek who was standing in the kitchen looking hotter than ever. She kissed him on the lips passionately and then said "I love you Derek and I love our family". "I love you to Mer" He said hugging and kissing her back. Their life couldn't get any better. Or could it?

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