Bad blood

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(Fast forward 2 days)
Derek and Amelia just left Nancy's house to go to the airport. Derek hasn't talked to Meredith since the day he left. All the time in New York was filled with crying and laughing over memories. He wanted to stay but his family was in Seattle. They ended up boarding the plane an should arrive home in 6 hours. Meanwhile, Meredith was stressing over the house being a mess and not knowing what to make the kids for dinner. She hasn't made much time to take good care of herself lately because Derek left her so stressed. Last night Zola stayed with Callie and Arizona because Meredith needed a break from the stress. She didn't know when Derek was going to come home or if he ever would. The only person that knows why he's actually gone is Callie and Arizona. Meredith got the kids to sleep after they had Mac and cheese for dinner again, and then decided to take a shower. In the shower she washed her hair with her lavender shampoo and conditioner then slid down the side of the shower so that she was sitting on the floor. She felt alone. Derek is her world and she needed him. But after all it is her fault that his mother didn't get to know about there granddaughter. After her shower she got dressed into pajamas and laid in bed drifting off to sleep. When she woke up in the morning, she was in a rush to get the kids ready for school and the nanny again. Eventually the Nanny arrived and Zola got to school as she headed to the hospital. When she walked in she realized she was late again. "Great" She sighed knowing Owen was going to give her crap. Surely enough there was Owen. "Dr Grey what have I told you about being late" He screamed so the whole floor of nurses and her friends could see. "I'm sorry" She sighed looking down at her baby bump. "Sorry doesn't always cut it Grey. You've been late the last 3 days and I don't want to hear excuses. I'm sorry I have to do this but.... you're fired, go home" He said walking away. Meredith stood there shocked, all her friends and coworkers watched her get fired. And she couldn't do anything about it. She walked into the attendings lounge to grab her scrub cap and headed out of the hospital. '3 almost 4 kids and no job' she thought. She got into the car and started sobbing uncontrollably. The hospital was like home to her. She called the nanny to let her know she would be home earlier than expected so she could leave as she headed home. When she got home she payed Alyssa and with that Alyssa left. A couple of hours passed and Meredith put the twins down for a nap as she was going to take on herself. As she walked into her room and was putting her hair into a ponytail she heard the front door open. She walked out into the main room and saw Derek and Amelia standing there. "Great you're home" She sighed. "Meredith can we talk?" Derek asked as Amelia went into her bedroom to put her stuff away. "Why would you want to talk to me" She asked as tears flooded her eyes. "Because you are my wife" He said. "Whatever" she replied as they went into their bedroom to talk. "Meredith"Derek sighed. "I'm sorry. Emotions got mixed up it's not your fault" He apologized "Derek. You hurt me in a way no one has hurt me before. I even blamed myself because of you. I love you, I always will. But like I said you hurt me" She said as tears started running down her face. "Meredith. I'm sorry I hurt you. I was being an ass I understand, but I can tell I put you through a lot of unnecessary stress. You don't have to forgive me right now, but I will prove to you that I love you and will always come back" He replied standing up. "Okay. I forgive you. But I swear if you hurt me again I won't forgive you" She replied laughing as she felt the baby kick. "Oh and Derek" She smiled. "Yeah?" Meredith stood up and took his hand placing it on her small baby bump. "Did you feel that?" She asked as the baby kicked again. "The babies kicking" He laughed. "Yes she is" Meredith laughed. "Mer, I love you" He said rubbing her cheek and pulling her in for a hug. "I love you too" She smiled. Her life was put back together for the moment. She still hasn't told Derek that Owen fired her for being late. And she was planning on keeping it that way for a while. "Well I need to go to the hospital and pick up a shift I'm down on hours. Do you want to come Amelia can watch the kids" he smirked. "Sure" She replied. She could act like she has patients still or something right. They got in the car, he placed his hand on her thigh and told her how pretty she looked. When the reached the hospital they walked in hand in hand making their way to the attendings lounge. Meredith was hoping to avoid Owen but that didn't happen as he was sitting in the attendings lounge doing some charting. "Hello dr hunt" Derek smiled as he walked in. "Hello shepherd. Grey haven't I already told you to go home you don't work here anymore?" He questioned. "What?" Derek asked clearly confused. "She hasn't shown up on time for the last 3 days so I fired her. I'm sorry Shepherd but it's what I had to do" Owen replied as he went back to charting. "You got fired" He whispered to his wife. "Well, I haven't been in on time do to having to deal with the kids in the morning since you have been gone. The earlier I woke up nothing changed and Owen wouldn't let me explain why I have been late" She replied whispering also. "Dr hunt, did you give Dr Grey a chance to give you an explanation on why she has been late?" Derek questioned. "No because I don't need the excuses" He smirked. "Owen, my mother passed away 3 days ago, I left for New York and took Amelia with me leaving Mer with all 3 kids alone. On top of that I yelled at her and blamed her for other stuff that I shouldn't of blamed her for. She had to get all 3 kids up and ready for the day before she could get herself ready. Look at her, you can tell she's worn out and that's my fault. But you shouldn't of fired her for having to get all the kids and herself ready and situated. Oh and on top of that, she's pregnant. You fired a pregnant Mother who was late 3 times because her husband was being an ass so she had to stress every morning about getting the kids where they needed to be." Derek stuck up for his wife. It was the least he could do. "I'm sorry, I had no idea that anything like that was going on. She didn't tell me I would've made an exception. You can come back to work as soon as you want just let me know next time if you will be late" Owen apologized which Meredith and Derek accepted as he walked out of the room. "Thank you" she replied pulling Derek into a kiss. "Anytime" He smirked.

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