Lost in the wild

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It was the morning after Derek and Amelia left to go to New York. Meredith just woke up so she could get the kids dressed and ready. Zola has school and the twins have to be up for the nanny to get here. It was very stressful getting herself and 3 kids ready for the day. She asked Bailey if she could come in at 8 due to Derek leaving and she agreed. After everyone was dressed Meredith looked at the time and saw that she needed to be to work in 10 minutes and take Zola to school. She quickly called Callie hoping they haven't talked Sofia to school yet. "Hey Meredith whats up?" Callie asked. "Hey have you taken Sofia to school yet? Please tell me you haven't because I'm so stressed" Meredith complained. "Uh no we haven't we were about to leave now why?" Callie answered. "Good, can you please pick up Zola I'm in a rush I was supposed to be in at 6 but I asked Bailey if I could go in at 8 given the circumstances and she said yes" Meredith rambled. "Yes I can take her. And what circumstances?" Callie asked. "I'll tell you later and thank you so much. She will be here and ready with the nanny  when you get here" Meredith sighed in relief as she hung up the phone. "Ok Zola, Aunt Callie will pick you up for school I have to go, Alyssa is here if you need anything I love you" Meredith said motioning towards the nanny and giving each kid a kiss as she stumbled out of the house hoping to get to work in time. She drove as fast as she could without getting pulled over and finally arrived at the hospital. When she looked at the time she saw that it was 8:05. "Damn it" She said as she slammed her hand on the steering wheel. After she was done having her moment of falling apart in the car, she got up and grabbed all her stuff and walked into the hospital. When she was walking towards the attendings lounge someone said her name. She turned around and it was Owen (btw Owen is the chief of surgery right now). "Dr Grey" he said. "Yes" She replied turning around and facing him. "You were supposed to be here by 8 not 8:05" He said clearly upset. "I'm sorry I was rushing around getting the kids ready because Derek-." Meredith was saying before Owen cut her off. "I don't care, just if you are late again there will be consequences, you're an attending and I need you to show up on time" Owen said sternly before walking away. Meredith walked into the attending lounge and changed into her scrubs before walking down to the ER looking for incoming traumas. While she was down there, Cristina approached her. "Hey where's your husband I need him for a patient" She asked. "He's sick today" Meredith replied lying. "Oh what about Amelia?" Cristina asked. "She's sick too" Meredith lied again. "Ok I guess I'll get Nelson" She sighed walking away. Soon enough a trauma came into the ER and Owen ordered Meredith to asses some of the injuries. The patient had a broken pelvis and leg so Ortho was needed on the case. Callie walked into the trauma room as a nurse gave her a run down of the patients injuries. "Ok book an OR. Dr Grey you're scrubbing in with me" Callie said walking Out of the trauma room. Meredith followed her. "Thank you again for taking Zola to school today" Meredith smiled. "Yeah anytime" Callie smiled back. "Oh and Meredith, you look really pale you might want to drink water or something" Callie informed worried for her friend. "Oh yeah, uh thanks" Meredith said as she walked away towards the bathroom. When she got there she opened the door and quickly kneeled down and started puking. It was 10 am so the Morning sickness was still affecting her but it should pass soon because she's almost at 13 weeks. It also could be the stress from Derek yelling at her about his mom. After she finished puking she got up and took her hair out of the ponytail it was in and washed off her face and headed to the scrub room to get ready for the surgery. When she got up there Callie was already scrubbing In. "Hey Grey" she said. "Hey" Meredith replied. "So I heard both Shepherds are sick" Callie sighed. "Mhm" Meredith replied. "Well I'm just saying it's a little weird that they both are sick and they live in the same house as you but you're fine" She laughed. "Callie, do you remember the circumstances that I said I would tell you later?" She asked. Callie nodded. "Well I'm pregnant almost 13 weeks and Derek got a call last night from his sister Nancy saying that their Mother passed, so Derek and Amelia decided to go to New York. Which I get their mother died so I understand but then he got to the airport and Called me and started to yell at me because he didn't get to tell his mom about the baby because I am to scared to tell people because I didn't want to take a chance of losing  the baby and getting peoples hopes up for nothing and now she's dead. Which I understand why he would blame me but it just hurt me in a way he hasn't hurt me before. I just don't know how to recover from that so I'm just telling everyone he's sick because I don't want questions. So please don't tell anyone because no one else knows" Meredith rambled. "Oh my. I'm so sorry. I won't tell anyone just let me know if you need anything like for Me and Arizona to take Zola or one of the twins for the night because we will" Callie said. "Thank you so much" Meredith smiled as she walked into the OR to start their surgery. The ended finishing the surgery with the patient surviving and strong. Callie already scrubbed out and went to inform the family. while Meredith was scrubbing out she felt the flutter that she felt a while ago when she was pregnant with the twins. Her baby was kicking. That made her whole day way better and her face light up. She wished Derek was there to see because he wasn't last time. It's just her. She tried to call Derek and tell him the news because she knows he has landed, but it went to voicemail.  "Damn it" She sighed as she slammed her scrub cap on the scrub sink. How Derek was treating her wasn't how she should be treated and she knew that, but she loves him and he just lost his mother and he needed some time to grieve. So for now, she's alone.

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