Suck it up.

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Derek arrived at the hospital guessing his wife just stayed with Cristina or there last night. He walked around and didn't see her at all. That's when he saw Cristina. "Have you seen Meredith" Derek asked. "Uhm no wait you don't know where she is?" Cristina responded sounding confused. Derek could tell she was lying and knew where she was but he knew he wouldn't get an answer either. "Whatever" he said as he walked away. He reached the OR board and didn't see her name up there so he started to panic slightly. Did she run off or something? He was so confused. Meanwhile, Meredith was just now waking up after about sleeping for an hour. She was tired but just could not sleep. She was bored out of her mind. That's when her phone started ringing. It was Derek. She quickly pressed the red button to ignore his call. She was going to go to work since she is so bored so she would see him there anyways. Meredith packed up and left the hotel room, got in the car and drove to the hospital. At the hospital she saw Derek, she tried to walk away before he could see her but nope he saw her. He pulled her into a supply closet. "Mer why the hell haven't you been answering me I was worried" he said loudly. "Derek" she replied but that's all she said. "I'll be home tonight. Will you or will you be at the "hospital" like last night" Mer asked. "I will be home. How's the babies" Derek asked as he reached his hand out to put on her stomach. Meredith didn't let him touch her stomach or answer him she just walked out of the room. Bailey needed Mer to operate with her on a tricky tumor. They scrubbed in and were going to be in the OR for at least 4 hours. 1 hour in Meredith groaned. All of a sudden all she could think about was Derek saying "why did I do this" she couldn't stop thinking about it. "Grey are you okay?" Bailey asked. "Uhm Yeah" Mer replied. "You don't seem okay. We have time to kill come on" Bailey said. "Well I overheard a conversation between Derek and someone else that I wasn't supposed to and now that's all I can think of." Meredith sighed. "Do you need me to kill him" Bailey asked. "Who?" Mer replied. "Derek" Bailey said as she looked up at Mer. "I mean yes but don't because I can't deal with 2 babies on my own even though I might end up like that." Meredith said shyly. After that the OR was silent until the surgery was over. Meredith and Bailey walked in the scrub room to scrub out. "Grey, you and Derek will get over what ever happened. I've seen you guys get over stuff many times before you can do it again. And whatever you heard he probably didn't mean it he was just upset from earlier" Bailey said as she scrubbed. "Yeah" Meredith sighed. Meredith walked out of the scrub room and had 3 patients to post of check on and then it would be 6 so she could leave. After she checked all her patients she found Derek. "I'm going home" Meredith said shyly. "I have to check a patient then I will be home also" Derek replied. "Ok" Meredith said as she walked out to the car. She got in the car and drove home she was still kind of upset but she could suck it up. When she got home she ordered takeout for them to eat. When Derek arrived home they started to eat and watch a medical documentary. When it got 8 both Meredith and Derek were tired so they turned the lights off to go to sleep. Derek put his arm around Mer hugging her as they laid there. "Goodnight" Derek said. "Night" Meredith replied. Meredith could tell Derek was asleep but she still couldn't sleep. She thought about last night again and again and that's when she started crying. She must've been loud because Derek woke up and hugged her tight. "Hey, what's wrong?" He whispered. "I wasn't going to say anything but last night. When You were at the dream house with Owen I showed up because Mark told me you where there. And I heard you say stuff about me like how I don't care and I'm stubborn and you questioning why you did "this" and by this I'm guessing your talking about the babies or our relationship." Meredith said as she sobbed. "Mer, I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry I said it I love you and always have I don't regret anything other then not marrying you the moment I laid eyes on you. Your beautiful and our kids will be beautiful as well since they have you as there mother. Please understand I wasn't trying to say it like that. I was drinking and I will do everything to prove to you that I love you and want to spend every minute of every hour with you and also that I regret nothing." Derek said as he held her close and kissed her. "Okay, I forgive you" Meredith sighed. Derek then pulled Mer in for a deep long kiss that lasted a good 10 minutes. "I love you Derek Shepherd" Meredith said grinning. "I love you too Meredith Grey" Derek replied also grinning. They both fell asleep with Dereks arm around Derek making her feel warm and safe.

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