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Meredith and Derek now arrived at the hospital. "Hey how are you" Owen asked Meredith. "Good" Meredith replied as she walked away fast. "Welcome back Mer" Cristina said. "Thanks" Meredith sighed. "Grey, Yang, Avery, Kepner, and Karev. This is your last day as a resident. Go to your attending and see what you need to do today" Bailey said as the residents walked out of the room. "Hi Doctor Bailey I'm with you today" Meredith said. "Ok, we have an appendectomy today that you will take lead in" Bailey said as she looked at Meredith. "Ok, what time?" She asked. "11:30" Bailey replied. "Ok" Meredith answered. "Grey, if you need anything let me know" Bailey said. "Why would I need anything" Meredith asked. "Grey I know" Bailey said. "Wait you know I'm-." Meredith said as she got cut off. "Pregnant yes. I know everything. You have been puking every morning lately at least that's what Alex said and you have been acting weird lately" Bailey said quietly. "Ok well me and Derek weren't telling anyone so please don't tell anyone" Mer pleaded. "I won't, meet me in OR 2  at 11" Bailey said as she walked away. "Thank you" Meredith yelled. Meredith felt light headed as she turned around. She need to lay down so she headed to an on call room. Apparently Derek saw her walk in because he walked in right after her. "Mer what's wrong" he said as he sat next to her. "I feel- lightheaded and my boobs hurt and Bailey knows" Meredith said quietly. "What? Bailey knows, you told Bailey?" Derek asked "No I didn't she knew, Alex told her I have been puking every morning for the last week and she said I have been acting weird" Mer replied. "She promised not to tell anyone though" Mer said quietly. "I have an appy in 10 minutes I got to go" Meredith said as she walked out of the room. Meredith made her way to OR 2 scrub room. "Hey" Bailey said as Mer walked in the room. "Hey" Meredith said as she started to scrub. "So how far along are you?" Bailey asked. "Well 5 weeks" Meredith said. "Congratulations" Bailey said. "Uhm thanks" Meredith said sounding worried. "Whats wrong?" Bailey asked. "I don't know anything about being A mother or about pregnancy. It's all new to me" Meredith sighed. "Grey, I'm a mother I went through the same thing as you, I will help you through this. If you have questions just ask me. I will make sure you and your baby are fine." Bailey said happily. "Thank you" Meredith said as she started to cry. "Sorry hormones" Mer said quietly. Bailey and Meredith walked into the OR. This might be Merediths last surgery as a resident so she was a little emotional. Meredith was just about to finish taking out the appendix when Meredith felt like she was going to get sick. "Bailey-." Meredith said sounding scared. "What is it Grey" Bailey asked. "I need you to- take over" Meredith said as she wobbled. "Why are you okay" Bailey asked. "Just take over" Meredith said as she ran out of the room. Derek was watching in the gallery the whole time. When he saw Meredith leave the OR he ran down to find her. "Did you see Dr Grey go by here" Derek asked a nurse. "No I didn't" the nurse answered. Derek paged Meredith 9-1-1 but he got no answer. He had no idea where Meredith was. Derek paged her 9-1-1 again hoping for an answer.

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