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"What is going on?" I asked as the carriage stopped in the middle of nowhere. We were on our way back to the capital, it's been five years since I've moved to Amasya with my family.

"I will see, Sultana," Nur said placing a five years old Suleiman down to sit in her places as she got out of the carriage to see.

"Don't stress yourself, Sultana" Esma warned softly from beside me. I sighed and nodded watching as a six years old Mustafa tried to peak out of the window to see what is going on. We turned to the door as it opened again and Nur walked back in and sat in her place placing Suleiman back in her lap.

"Do not worry Sultana, it was just the Janissaries wanting to welcome his highness back into the capital and escort him" She said a wide grin on her face. I sighed in relief massaging my swollen stomach that was the home of my third child at the moment.

It was not until after the sun went down did we reach the castle. I walked into the harem after my mother. She walked over to Gulfem hatun and greeted each other but I ignored their conversation in no mood for anything.

"Two grandchildren at the same time" Gulfem hatun pointed out earning my attention as she smiled at me and my brother's favorite.

"Gulfem hatun, I've missed you" I walked over to her and pulled her in for a hug. She chuckled and patted my back.

"You should go rest in your old room, it has been prepared for you by his majesty himself" She suggested as we pulled away.

"Yes, I am exhausted" I joked making her laugh. I walked in the lead with Nur and Esma behind me with the children.

I walked straight over to the bed when I walked into my room, I sat down with difficulty. Traveling at the end of a pregnancy was not such a good idea but my father called us over.

"Why do you think his majesty didn't give you your old castle back?" Esma asked walked over to me to help me get my shawl off.

"What's the point of preparing a whole castle for only a couple of weeks, besides I want to be close to him before we have to leave again" I answered unbuttoning my overdress which was really starting to annoy me.

"You know this way, Bali Bey won't be able to sleep here right? He's not allowed into the harem" She pointed out taking off my overdress.

"He will be staying in the marble castle and I will visit him and spend some time there" I shrugged as she helped me up to change into sleeping wear so I could sleep and rest.

"His Majesty wants to see you before the coronation of the Shehzade Cihangir," A harem agha said. I nodded and stood up and walked out of the room.

I walked down the harem where all of the girls stood up and bowed to me with their heads down. I put a shawl over my hair and walked down the golden road. The guard let me in immediately. I walked in and bowed to my father.

"Nafise" I looked up at my father who was looking at me with a huge smile, he changed a lot since I last saw him five years ago.

"Father" I walked over to him as he stood up from his bed. I took his hand and kissed the back of his hand before he pulled me in for a hug being mindful of my swollen stomach.

"You and your brother Mustafa are going to bring me, new grandchildren, soon," He said placing his hands on my stomach.

"I wish my brother Mehmed was still alive to see his new nephews or nieces," I said sadly. He smiled and pulled me closer to place a kiss on my forehead. We turned to the door as it opened and my brothers walked in.

"Nafise" Cihangir grinned walking straight over to me and pulled me in for a hug making me laugh. It was no secret that Mustafa and Cihangir were my favorite brothers.

"I've missed you," He said pulling away from me. I patted his cheek before he pulled away completely from me and Selim stepped closer to me.

"Selim, my brave brother" I smiled at him pulling him closer to me, and hugged him tightly which he returned with a chuckle. He pulled away and placed his hand on my stomach for a second before moving on.

"Beyazid, my champion" He laughed pulling me in for a hug. I patted his hair before he pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"I would have given you the same treatment as Mihrimah but I fear your child will drop mid-air" He joked making me laugh along with my brother as our father chuckled.

"Don't you dare" Father warned stepping closer to us. The doors opened and my husband stepped into the room and bowed to us.

"I apologize for interrupting your majesty, but everything and everyone is ready for the coronation," He said looking up at us with a smile, Bali Bey loved all of my brothers, and seeing them made him happy.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me double over in pain and hold on to Beyazid's arm. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and held me up to support my weight.

"What's wrong, Nafise?" Selim asked worriedly as Bali bey ran over and took a hold of my arms looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"The baby is coming" I whined leaning against Beyazid and Bali Bey as another wave of pain hit me.

"Bali Bey, take Nafise to the harem, I give you permission to go there and stay by her side" My father ordered. Bali Bey took me from my brother and helped me walk out of the room. When Nur saw me like this she immediately ran to get the midwife without being told.

"Hold on darling, we're almost there" Bali whispered to me. We walked into the harem making all of the girls jump up and watch as Bali Bey walked me through the harem not taking his eyes off of me.

When we reached my room he laid me down on my bed and sat down beside me on the bed before sitting down beside me and held my hand into his. I pushed my hair out of my face whispering encouraging words in my ear before the midwife came and kicked him out.

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