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"Don't worry Nur, I will save you as soon as possible even if I had to do it with my own bare hands" I Promised my maid who was stood in front of me in a red dress and a red veil covering her face. She took my hand into hers and kissed the back of it before leaving the room just as Yusuf agha walked in and bowed to me.

"What is it, Yusuf?" I asked walking over to my bed and pulled my shawl off the bed and placed it over my head.

"I just got news from Gülnus Hatun," Yusuf said as I walked closer to him beside the door. I raised my eyebrow awaiting the news to spill from between his lips.

"Gülnus Hatun is pregnant from his highness Shehzade Beyazid" I grinned as the news reached my ears. I taught her well that sneaky girl, she captured him in her palm.

"Has he been told?" I asked Yusuf, shook his head making me grin, and walked out of my room and down the harem to the favorite's room where Gülnus was already waiting for me.

"Come on then, Beyazid must know" She grinned and followed me out of the harem to the Sultan's room where Beyazid was staying for now after father went to war with my brothers excluding Cihangir.

"What's the matter, sister" Beyazid stood up from his desk and walked over to me and Gülnus who blushed when his gaze fell on her.

"Nothing bad, do not worry, I got news today that your third child lay in that woman," I said making him grin happily and walk back to the desk picking up one of the many pieces of jewelry he had made with his own hands having learned that talent from our father who was a goldsmith himself.

"You shall be taken care of hatun as long as you take care of my son or daughter" Beyazid promised placing his hand on her stomach as she blushed again. Gülnus was a quite sensitive girl with a petite body, but that didn't matter because her loyalty was what mattered to me and how happy she makes my brother followed after.

"Excuse me, brother, I must leave for my castle as you know my children are waiting for me" He smiled and nodded at me as I turned around and left the room. I was met with Hurrem Sultan in the hallway.

"Hurrem Sultan, I never got to welcome you back from your kidnapping especially after your fake letters stunt," I said smiling softly at her which she returned with a fake one eyeing me suspiciously.

"Can't say I care much if it weren't for my father" I finished smirking as her smile vanished and her eyes twinkled with anger.

"Watch your words Nafise, I am Sultan Suleiman's wife" She warned taking a step closer to me to intimidate me.

"And I am his daughter of pure Ottoman blood, who do you think the people will choose to side with, or better who he will side with?" I asked raising my eyebrow as she frowned hers causing her aging lines to appear even more.

"Your age is starting to show Sultanim, maybe you should consider stepping back a little and letting poor Nazenin breath," I said hitting her with yet another blow. I could see how desperate she wanted to hit me but held herself back. I grinned and sidestepped her walking out of the castle to the awaiting carriage and stepped in.

"What took you so long?" Bali asked standing up from the couch in the main room in our very own castle that has been renovated recently.

"My brother Beyazid is getting a new child and I congratulated him before coming" I answered handing my shawl to one of the maids that worked for me here. I walked over to Bali Bey who smiled softly at me.

"Did my brave husband miss me?" I asked teasingly wrapping my arms around his neck. His arms immediately wrapped around my body and pulled me closer.

"Maybe I did" He answered back leaning down and claiming my lips with his own. Someone cleared their throat making us pull away and turn to face the person to see my sister standing there.

"Mihrimah?" I asked confused blushing slightly feeling a little embarrassed that she walked in on me and Bali kissing. I was confused as to what she was doing in my castle especially after our querl.

"I wanted to speak with you privately," She said eyeing Bali Bey who cleared his throat awkwardly nodding his head and leaving the room. Mihrimah walked over to me and sat down on the couch watching me as I lowered myself beside her.

"I don't want us to fight anymore Nafise, we're sisters, we're the daughters of the strongest man in the world," Mihrimah said almost desperately. I sighed and looked out of the window.

"Stop putting up your walls and let me in" Mihrimah begged reaching forward and took my hands into hers softly.

"You almost got me killed along with Suleiman," I said eyeing her suspiciously as she shook her head with a glint of tears in her eyes.

"And you got your revenge by taking my child from me" She answered placing her hand on her now empty stomach, she had five years after that to have a child but she still didn't.

"I had no hand in this, it was Allah that wanted you to miscarry" I pulled my hands out of hers standing up, and turned to look out of the window watching as Malkoçoglu ran after Mustafa who was screaming and giggling along with Suleiman hot on his tale.

"Nafise-" Mihrimah was about to say something but I raised my hand silencing her. Malkoçoglu finally caught Mustafa and started twirling him around.

"We will never be on the same page Mihrimah, you support your full brothers while I support mine, we're only half-sisters from mothers who hate each other, how do you expect us to get along?" I asked turning to face her fully. She sighed sadly.

"I don't care who ascends the throne I just want us all happy," She said looking at me almost desperately. I nodded pulling her in for a hug, I will not let anyone get in between us even my husband, especially my husband or any man in existence.

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