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"May Allah grants her a long life," I said looking at my sister who laid in her bed with her daughter in her arms.

"Thank you, may Allah keep Mustafa safe" I nodded as my thanks. I took my place beside Hurrem sultan and watched as my father took my niece into his arms and named her. It reminded me a lot of when he named Beyazid, it was the only naming I was present at and even then I wasn't that old, I was merely six at the time. Many people say that I look older than Mihrimah even though I'm younger than her.

"Hold her Nafize" father said handing the baby to me. I smiled down at the small infant in my arms as she stared up at me.

"She looks beautiful just like her mother," I said looking up at my sister who smiled at me but it didn't reach her ears. I walked over and handed the baby to her before leaving the room to let her rest.

"How's my grandson?" Father asked as we walked into the sitting area in Mihrimah's castle. I was holding his arm which he didn't seem to mind and actually like as I still acted like his little girl.

"He's doing great, I wanted to bring him with me but I feared he's still too young and doesn't have the immunity he needs to leave the castle just yet," I said letting go of his arms and turn to look at him and he did the same taking both of my hands into his own.

"You did the right thing. I still remember once when your mother took you out after you were born and you got so sick we feared you wouldn't make it. I was so scared for my little girl" father said placing one of his hands on my cheek.

"I will never leave you father" he chuckled and pulled me in for a hug. I sighed calmly hugging him back feeling like a little child all over again still being held in her father's arms.

I suddenly felt dizzy but brushed it off. I was unable but to put my weight on my father as my eyes rolled to the back of my head and then nothing.

I could feel myself waking up slowly. I opened my eyes slightly letting them adjust to the lights around the room.

"Thank Allah you're okay" I looked beside me to see my worried father sitting at the edge of the bed beside me.

"What happened?" I asked hoarsely feeling my throat dry as a piece of wood.

"You fainted and scared us all but the doctor calmed us by explaining that you were just exhausted," Father said pushing some of my hair back. I closed my eyes enjoying his touch and reopened them with a small smile.

"Maybe it's time you get a Kalfa to help you with Mustafa" I turned my head to look at Hurrem sultan who was the one to speak.

"I can handle him on my own," I said defensively. I could see Hurrem sultan look at my father who nodded and kissed my forehead before leaving the room.

"Look Nafize, I know that you and I have never been on the same page most of the time but taking care of a child is harder than you think," she said walking closer to the bed and taking a seat beside me.

"But I want to be the one to take care of him," I said sadly looking down at my hands. To my complete surprise, she placed her on top of mine.

"I understand but you need rest too, besides the Kalfa will be someone you trust" she patted my hand before leaving the room.

After resting for a bit I went back to my castle. I walked into the main room to see Bali Bey sitting with our son in the room. When I walked in he stood up with a worried look on his face.

"They told me that you fainted. How are you now?" He asked stepping closer to me.

"I'm okay, I just needed some rest that's all, darling," I said taking Mustafa from him and kissed his forehead bouncing him up and down so he won't cry.

"You need to rest more sultana" I nodded and looked at Mustafa trying to think of anyone to trust him with and there was only one answer.

"Nur" I called making Bali Bey look at me with confusion. The said maid walked in and bowed to me.

"From now on your only responsibility will be Mustafa and let Esma find me a maid to take your place" she bowed and walked over to take the baby from me. I sat down on the couch feeling more than just exhausted at the moment.

"How's the baby?" Bali Bey asked sitting down beside me and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer into his body.

"She's amazing" I answered leaning my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes wanting to just fall asleep right here and now.

"Maybe we should retire for the night, don't you think?" He asked looking down at my sleepy face. I only nodded having no energy to speak up. He picked me up and walked out of the main room and to our own. He helped me out of my dress and into my sleeping wear and got off my jewelry before helping me into our bed and joined me soon before I could fall asleep.

"It doesn't feel right to not have him in my arms" I mumbled cuddling into Bali Bey's chest making him tighten his grip on me.

"You'll have to get used to it" I nodded and kissed his neck as my goodnight. He kissed my forehead as we both fell silent and fell slowly into dreamland. I really hope we stay like that forever and ever and nothing will come in between us.

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