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"Relax darling, it's just me besides who could even come close to the bathes when I'm here," Bali said sitting down beside me.

"Well harem aghas are standing at the door so you never know" I answered back with a smirk as he laughed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked taking a silver platter and filled it with water and threw it over my shoulder to wash away the soap.

"I wanted to stay by my wife's side, is that not allowed?" He asked with a teasing smirk. I giggled and continued washing the soap off of me.

"Have you thought about a way to convince your mother and father to let Nigar Kalfa stay?" He asked taking the silver plater from me and spilled it over my back for me since I couldn't reach it.

"Whoever said she was staying?" I raised my eyebrow back at him. He looked at me in confusion which I returned with a smirk.

I stood up and left the bath after pulling on a dress before leaving the bath to my room where Nur and Esma were trying to put the kids to sleep but weren't very successful with Suleiman who seemed fuzzy.

I walked over and took him from Esma and held him in my arms whispering in his ear sweet things feeling him relax in my arms and squirm a little to get comfortable.

"Shhh darling, mommy's got you" I whispered swaying side to side. I looked up when the doors opened to show my mother. I raised my hand to my lips and signaled her to stay quiet to not wake up Suleiman that was still not fully asleep.

I walked over to the children's room and placed him in his crib, he whined a little making me freeze for a second before fully laying him down, when I saw that he didn't wake up and just laid there asleep like an angel I pulled the fur cover over his small body before leaving to the main room.

"Is there a reason for your visit so late mother? Is everything alright?" I asked sitting down beside her on the couch she decided to sit on after I left for a couple of minutes.

"Everything is alright" She reassured me patting my hand with a soft smile on her face. I was expecting her to be more hot-blooded and show more anger but I guess what Mustafa is doing her makes her more patient.

"I wanted to talk to you about Nigar Kalfa," She said slowly like she didn't know how to start the conversation which means I had to take the lead now.

"I thought about this in the hmam and I would rather let her go than to make my brother sad," I said with false sadness in my voice, if they don't want to help me then I will take revenge on my own. The doors were pushed open harshly making us jump and look up to see Mustafa standing there with a murderous look on his face.

"Did you do it?" He asked waving a letter I just noticed in his hand. I and my mother stood up and looked at him with the same look of confusion.

"I just got a letter from the capital, Mihrimah fell sick and had a miscarriage" He explained handing me the letter. My eyes widened as I read through the letter.

"And you think I had something to do with this?" I asked looking back up feeling tears form in my eyes. His eyes softened and regret filled his eyes and he looked down in shame.

"I'm tired and wish to retire for the night," I said strongly. They both nodded at me in shame before they left the room. The second the door closed behind them my face changed from heartbroken to a smirk. I read through the letter again feeling glee fill my heart as she tasted the feeling she almost made me go through when she almost got me kidnapped.

"Sultanim" I turned to look at Nigar Kalfa who stood beside the door bowing to me with her head looking down.

"Prepare yourself Nigar, I will be sending you tomorrow to a farm I own in Hatay and there my most trusted women will guide you through your mission and of course you too," I said walking over to a coffee table and placed the letter on it before pulling out a dagger from the drawer. I walked over to her and stopped in front of her,

"What will you do if you got caught?" I asked raising my eyebrow. She took the dagger from my hand.

"Kill myself" She answered with a cold voice like she didn't care about her life anymore. Her eyes were empty and that's what scared me and made me not trust her fully and that's why I chose to send my most trusted women to stay around her in case she tried to betray us.

"What if they took the dagger from you?" I asked. She reached inside of her dress and pulled a vial filled with green liquid, poison.

"Good" I nodded with a satisfied smirk on my face, I walked over to my mirror and sat down in front of it, and started brushing my hair.

"We found your daughter," I said breaking the silence that filled the room. Her eyes widened and she ran over kneeling in front of me. I looked through the mirror to see Mustafa walk over to the door and stand there watching my every move.

"I will keep her somewhere safe until you're done with you're mission and then I will give her to you," I said in a low voice so Mustafa won't be able to hear what I was saying, placing the brush on the nightstand.

"Can I at least see her?" She asked in a hushed tone looking up at me with tears streaming down her face. I reached over and wiped her tears off her face.

"I will send her to spend some time with you in Hatay," I said patting her shoulder. She took my robe in her hands and kissed the silk material.

"Thank you sultanim, you are most generous," She said standing up. I could see Mustafa stand up and walk away from the room.

"Send Gul my best wishes," I said making her freeze and look at me wide-eyed at the name of the loyal servant of Hurrem sultan.

"Did you really think I would let him go just like that after my mother kicked him out?" I asked raising my eyebrow and a smirk took over my face again.

"I made my men find him and bought him to my farm and since then he's been loyal to me, I didn't abandon him like Hurrem sultan did," I said taking my perfume from the table and applied some on my arms then neck.

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