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"Abdullah, what a beautiful name our father gave to your son, brother," I said swaying the small baby in my arms from side to side.

"I must thank you for the beautiful presents you sent us Sultana" Gülnus said bowing her head. She was laying in her bed still recovering from the birth of Abdullah.

"He's my dear nephew" I answered looking down at the small baby. He had golden hair with stark blue eyes with a hint of green in them.

"Such a beautiful baby" I stood up and walked over to his crib and placed him back in it.

"Do not forget your original task, Gülnus" I reminded her looking at her with a glare.

"Don't worry, Sultanim" she bowed her head again. I smiled and walked out of her room and to the room beside hers where Yusuf agha was stood with a couple of loyal maids.

"Is she ready?" I asked turning to look at the most beautiful one of all. She looked up at me with a smile before looking down shyly.

"Yes, Sultanim" Yusuf answered

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"Yes, Sultanim" Yusuf answered. I walked out of the room with her hot on my tail with a couple of other maids and Yusuf.

I walked down the golden road to my father's room. I walked in and bowed to my father who smiled softly at me from his place on his bed.

"I there anything Nafize darling?" He asked standing up from his bed and stepped down from the step stopping in front of me.

"I wanted to give you a present for your victory in the war," I said smiling softly walking over to him.

"What is it?" He asked grinning at me. I knew he took pride in winning the war.

"Yusuf" I called. Yusuf walked in with the maid whose name was Gülsah, her name was the same as one of my mother's old maids but she is dead now.

"Now excuse me" I bowed and left the room. I walked to the garden where there was a carriage waiting for me to take me home

"Aren't you at least a little bit curious what Hürrem Sultan's reaction to you sending a concubine to your father?" Bali asked as we rode in a carriage to the throne's palace the next day.

"She will go crazy and yell as usual" I answered with a shrug as the carriage came to a stop. I walked down the carriage and into the harem while Bali went to my father.

"Nafize" I smirked and turned around to face Hürrem who was fuming with anger as expected

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"Nafize" I smirked and turned around to face Hürrem who was fuming with anger as expected.

"Hürrem, what is making you so angry?" I asked raising a teasing brow.

"How dare you send a maid to the sultan? I'm in charge of the harem and you can't send someone not approved by me" she said angrily. She didn't seem to care that she was making a seem in front of the entire harem.

"I thought it was about time my father was given a gift for his many victories besides I'm his daughter and I can do what it fit and I didn't see it fit for you to meet the maid first because I wanted her to reach his room alive," I said back before walking past her to visit my brother Beyazid.

"How's Abdullah?" I asked my brother while bouncing Osman on my leg, he was two years younger than Suleiman and three older than Gevherhan while Orhan was two years older than Gevherhan.

"He is doing fine, doesn't sleep much at night, the poor maids barely get any sleep" Beyazid answered making me chuckle.

"All children are like this until they have a schedule," I said patting his hand.

"Is there anything you wanted, Nafize?" Beyazid asked.

"Gülnus was one of my maids for long and now that you are returning to Kütahya I wanted to ask you to look after her," I said. I needed her alive and cared for.

"Of course sister" Beyazid pulled me in for a hug. I patted his back before bidding him goodbye and left the room.

"Is the carriage ready?" I asked Yusuf. He nodded and helped me put on my headscarf before we left for my castle.

The carriage stopped in front of a house. I got down with the help down the steps. I walked over to the door and knocked slowly on it. Minutes later the doors opened and Nur stepped out in front of me with a bundle in her arms.

"Sultanim," she said wrapping her arms around the bundle with teary eyes and a quiver in her voice.

"Ayse Hatun the wife of Mehmed pasha the governor of Damascus went into labor during their visit to Istanbul" I informed her. She sighed sadly and looked down at her daughter.

"I don't have the heart to let her go," Nur said sadly looking up at me.

"The plan was made months ago and you agreed" I reminded her. She nodded sadly and held out the baby to me. I took the small newborn baby into my arm and smiled down at her as she slept.

"Yusuf, kill him" I ordered stepping to the side. Yusuf pulled out a dagger and walked into the house. Nur closed her eyes tightly as the sound of her husband's screams reached her ears before silence.

"You came back from the store to find your husband dead. We have already spoken and given money to the merchants" I informed.

"Of course my Sultana" she bowed as Yusuf walked out of the house and placed his dagger back to place after cleaning it.

"You take care of her" I handed the small baby girl in my arms to Yusuf who bowed and left with the baby.

"Will she have a good life?" Nur asked softly wiping her tears.

"Better than she could ever have with that husband of yours" I answered smiling at her. She nodded and bowed before closing the door. I didn't want things to escalate to this level but Nur's husband had to either agree she returns to my service or die and he didn't agree so he had to die.

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