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"Did my mother finally let Saliha go to my brother?" I asked Esma who nodded her head as she handed me my earing. Elif was the one looking after the children while Esma made sure all of my needs were met.

"Do not forget to order Gevherhan a new bed, she turning two soon and she's growing out of her bed" I reminded her standing up taking a perfume bottle from beside me on the table, and put some on.

"Do not worry Sultanim, it has been ordered hours ago" Esma reassured. I nodded handing her the bottle and nodded for her to leave me alone in the room. She bowed before leaving me alone. I turned to the mirror and wrapped my fingers around my locks curling them even more. I turned when I heard the door open to show Cihangir making me grin happily.

"Cihangir" I walked over wrapping my arms around him in a hug which he returned happily. I pulled away and pulled him towards the couch sitting down side by side.

"Why haven't you been visiting me?" I asked pouting slightly. Cihangir was the only one out of my brothers that wasn't in the run for the throne and that made him my favorite the one I would not have to see die at the hands of slayers when one of my other brothers ascend to the throne.

"I have been busy with my studies but now I am here," He said grinning happily at me. He pulled a parchment out of his Kaftan and handed it to me.

"Look at the design and tell me what you think," he said excitedly. I opened the parchment and looked at the beautiful drawing. It was a drawing of a rose painted as red as blood and lined with gold.

"It's beautiful" I gasped looking up at my talented brother who grinned happily at the compliment.

"It is my present for my dear niece when she turns two, a necklace small enough for her," He said happily as I handed him back the parchment.

"I'm sure she will love it," I said grinning. The doors burst open and the children ran in and straight over to Cihangir hugging him tightly.

"Don't hurt your uncle" I warned sternly making them let go with a little pout. Cihangir chuckled pulling up Gevherhan onto his lap and ruffled Suleiman's hair.

"They can never hurt me," Cihangir said kissing Gevherhan's forehead who giggled clutching tightly to his Kaftan while looking up with a look almost like she was taunting me that her uncle took her side.

"How about you boys go to your lessons that you're already late to and Gevherhan you go take your nap," I said nodding at Elif who ran over picking up Gevherhan from Cihangir's lap while escorting the two whining boys.

"They're going to make me go crazy" I huffed a little making Cihangir laugh patting my shoulder. I have always felt sad that I will never see Cihangir's children due to his condition and I have always dreamed of him getting cured but I knew what he has was not something curable.

"I should get going, I will visit you soon I promise" He stood up. I pulled him in for a hug still not having had enough of him.

"Don't make me wait long before visiting" I said kissing his cheek. Cihangir nodded before walking out of the room. I sighed sitting down.

"Sultanim, we just recieved word that his majesty along with the princes is on their way back from their campaign," Esma said making me grin. I missed my father and brothers and couldn't wait to see them.

"If there is nothing else you can leave," I said watching as she fidgeted a little with her dress.

"There is. Gülnus hatun has gone into labor" I stood up immediately and walked out of the room.

"Stay with Elif and children, I will go to check up on her" I pulled on a headscarf before walking out of the castle. When I reached the throne's castle everyone was panicking for both my father's return and Gülnus's worst timed birth, not like she could control it.

"How is Beyazid holding up?" I asked Yusuf Agha who met me halfway into the harem having already been here to finish some errands.

"Panicking slightly, he has fallen quite fond of Gülnus hatun," Yusuf said as I walked towards the Sultan's wing.

"Go stay with her" I ordered before walking in and bowed to my brother. He was sat on the bed bouncing his leg up and down in panic.

 He was sat on the bed bouncing his leg up and down in panic

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"Any news?" Beyazid asked as I sat down beside him. I smiled up at him, did Bali Bey do the same thing when I gave birth to our children, was it the same every birth or not?

"They're saying it will be over soon and you will hold your child in no time," I said making him sigh in relief. In less than an hour, Yusuf agha walked into the room and bowed to the both of us.

"Gülnus hatun has given birth to a healthy prince, your highnesses" I grinned happily standing up and pulled Beyazid in for a hug who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I will wait for father to name him," He said looking down at me. I nodded my head, it was a known rule that the Sultan names all of his grandchildren by either sending the name in a letter or coming to the providence to name them and it is very rare for him to let his sins name them on their own.

"Let's check up on her" I pulled him out of the room. I grinned as I walked through the harem alongside my brother. All of the girls tried to catch his eye somehow but he was too focused on meeting his new son than to look at them. I walked first into the room to see Gülnus sat on the bed with a bundle in her arms. Beyazid was by her side in a second. I nodded at her satisfied at how easily she was able to pull him into her trap of love and I was sure she felt the same but I have always taught them that loyalty always comes first, loyalty to me.

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