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I walked out of the castle with my maids Esma and Nur behind me. I walked through the garden a little before I decided that it was the right time to go to where Bali Bay wanted to meet me.

As I walked I saw a man in the distance standing looking around him until he spotted me walking over to him, he turned to face me as I walked towards him.

I raised my hand stopping my maids at a good distance to have some privacy, it was only fair because he didn't have anyone with him either. I looked him over as I got closer to him, he was one of the most handsome men I have seen in my life. He was built nicely and he had the softest eyes that I was sure made many enemies crumble when they glared.

"Sultana" he bowed to me when I reached him. I looked him straight into his brown eyes trying to read what he was thinking through his eyes but failed.

"Bali Bay" I nodded my head. He looked at my maids behind me, I too turned around to see them turn their backs to us before turning back to look at him, he seemed to have so much authority in this palace.

"It's been a while sultana" he started making me smile as I remembered the last time we met.


"Have a safe trip sultana" Bali Bay said looking at me. I stood beside my mother and brother as we were getting ready to leave for my brother's sanjak.

I nodded and gave him a half bow as a way of gratitude before he walked passed me to my father's room.

End of flashback_

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End of flashback_

"It has, yet you still look the same Bali Bay," I said making him smile a little.

"Can't say the same sultana for you have grown into a beautiful woman now" he complimented. I smiled up at him and nodded as my thanks.

"I wanted to see you and talk to you as you know we are to be married in a couple months time as his Majesty's wishes" he started but I already knew where this was going.

"No Bali Bay I did not know of this, it was only my parents that knew, and surprisingly even Hurrem sultan did not know" I answered his unasked question. He nodded his head looking in the distance before bowing. I turned around to see my sister walking over to us.

"Mihrimah" I smiled at her. I knew she was mad that she was not the one to marry Bali Bay and instead was now locked into a loveless marriage with Rustom pasha.

"Nafize what are you doing here?" She asked me staring at me intensely. I almost feared her at that moment, she seemed like she was ready to kill me right now and here.

"I asked for her your majesty, as you know we are getting married soon and I wanted to make sure her highness was comfortable with that" Malkoçoglu said making her turn to look at him.

"What about the seniora?" She asked smugly crossing her arms. Seniora? What is it to her if he had a woman? I thought that they didn't start a relationship and it was a one-sided love.

"She is on her way to her country sultana. I'm sure she would appreciate your concern after your brief meeting" he answered before bowing and leaving. She seemed shocked that he knew she met the seniora they're talking about.

"What's going on Mihrimah?" I asked turning to face her.

"He was in a relationship with a woman and I met her to warn her to stay away from him" she explained. I took a deep breath trying hard to not roll my eyes at my sister's stupidity.

"As who? You're not his lover. You're not his fiancé and you're definitely not his wife. As who did you go and warn her?" She looked down ashamed knowing what she did was wrong.

"Well as his fiancé's sister" she tried to justify what she did but I only shook my head.

"I didn't ask you to and I'm pretty sure all of this mess happened before I even got father's letter in Manesa" I stalked away angrily.

Esma and Nur followed me back into the castle and to my room where to my surprise my mother was waiting for me.

"So what did Bali Bay want from you?" She asked watching me as I took off my coat and headscarf. I fixed the piece of jewelry I had on my head before walking over and sitting down beside her.

"He wanted to know my opinion on the marriage and if I was against it" I explained. She listened to me carefully nodding her head.

"And what did you tell him?" She asked seeming almost worried. 

"I didn't get the chance to because Mihrimah came over" she nodded her head.

"You know why I chose him for you right?" She asked taking my hands into hers.

"Because he would be a big help on our side for my brother" she nodded her head. I sighed and looked down at our intertwined hands as the doors opened. I looked up to see my brother walk in which bought a smile to my face.

"Cihangir, come here" he walked over to where I sat. I picked him up and placed him on my lap kissing him all over his face making him giggle.

"I missed you so I came over to see you," he said hugging me close.

"You can come when ever you want darling," I said patting his head. He nodded happily and looked up at me.

"But mother says you won't be here for long because you would be moving soon with your husband," Cihangir said making my mother scoff at the mention of Hurrem.

"Well you could visit me there too," I said making him smile happily and hug me tightly which I returned.

"Prepare for the prince to eat dinner with me and my brother" I ordered Esma who bowed and left the room to prepare everything.

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