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"May Allah give him a long life" I smiled up at Hurrem Sultan who stood beside me, we may not get along but right now it was a happy moment and I didn't want to ruin it.

"Thank you, sultana" I looked down at the baby sleeping beside me on the bed. Hurrem decided to visit me for some reason today which was weird because she visits me only with my father and by coincidence, I went into labor.

We both looked up as the doors burst open, my father and husband walked in looking worried but it vanished when they saw me and the babysitting on the bed.

"How are you feeling darling?" My father asked sitting down beside me. He placed his hand on top of mine on the baby's head.

"I'm fine, your majesty" I smiled at him reassuringly. He picked up the baby and stood to the side to name him. I covered my head and watched him with a smile.

"Your name will be Suleiman" My eyes widened at the name, I looked at Bali who was looking shocked at my father. My eyes wandered to Hurrem who looked both shocked and furious at the name, I honestly didn't know why she was mad about the name not like my son will ever be on the throne.

"Thank you, your majesty" I took his hand in mine and kissed the back of it before he handed me the baby back.

"Have you sent for Mahidevran and Mustafa to come to visit?" My father asked turning to my husband. I could see in his eyes that he was yearning to hold our newborn son but was holding himself back for my father. He wants my brother and mother to visit?

"Of course, your majesty" I couldn't help the grin that took over my face as my husband answered, my father, chuckled when he saw the look on my face.

"Come Hurrme, I want to see Mustafa before we leave," He said before walking out of the room with her following behind him with a frown on her face.

"Want to hold him?" I asked Bali who stepped closer to me. He leaned down and picked him up and held him close against his chest.

"What an honor for our son to have the sultan's name," He said smiling down on me. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"Do you think Mustafa will be mad about having a brother?" I asked as he sat down beside me with our son still in his arms.

"Probably" I laughed as he said that. I leaned my head against his shoulder and looked down at our son.

It took me a little less time to heal than my first birth. During that time I took care of my children but at the same time I was thinking about Bali's words, he was right our children were nowhere near safe in the capital and I don't think I will be able to protect them much longer but, I won't take them with me and live with Bali's brother I can't just throw my problems behind me like they never happened as he did many years ago, I may have been a mere child but I still remember.

"Bali, can we talk?" I asked softly as I walked into the room he usually works in. He looked up from the papers he was working with and nodded for me to continue since I have his full attention now.

 He looked up from the papers he was working with and nodded for me to continue since I have his full attention now

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"I've been thinking lately about what you said" I started slowly looking down at my hands.

"What are you talking about?" He asked leaning back against the couch he was sat on.

"You told me that I won't be able to protect Mustafa and Suleiman and I think you're right" I explained making him raise his eyebrow.

"But I was thinking instead of moving to your family we could move to Amasya beside Mustafa and it's much safer there" I finished. I watched as his face turned into a frown.

"Think about it there it won't be only me that will protect them and you there will be Mustafa and my mother too" I walked over and sat down beside him taking his hands into mine and looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Think about it there it won't be only me that will protect them and you there will be Mustafa and my mother too" I walked over and sat down beside him taking his hands into mine and looked at him with hopeful eyes

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"Why can't we just let all of this go and go live with my family in peace?" He asked tightening his grip on my hands pleadingly.

"Please don't ask me to leave my family behind, I promised Mustafa to always be by his side and I never ever in my life broke a promise especially the ones I make to him" I pulled away and stood back up turning my back to him and facing the crackling fireplace.

"Why not? We would live a happy and peaceful life without any problems and much less fighting" He stood up and turned me around to face him. I shook my head and looked down at my feet that were covered with the skirt of my dress.

"I can't leave my brother when he needs me most, you wouldn't leave yours, would you?" I looked back up, I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"Leave me to think about it" He muttered. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before going back and sitting down on his couch and pulling up the paper he was already reading before I walked in.

I sighed before leaving the room and went to the children's room, Mustafa was laughing as a maid tickled him and Suleiman was asleep.

"Sultanim" The maid stood up with Mustafa in her arms and bowed to me.

"Where's Nur?" I asked eyeing her suspiciously. She bounced a now fussy Mustafa before setting him down on the floor so he would crawl over to me.

"She had something to do so she asked me to look after the children until she comes back" She answered bowing her head so she won't be looking me in the eyes.

"You can leave now" She bowed before leaving the room. I scooped Mustafa up from the floor making him squeal and hug my neck tightly making me chuckle.

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