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I took a deep breath before getting up from the bed and walking over to the mirror in my room. My heart was hammering in my chest as the minutes passed by quickly. Today I will be married to Bali Bey and tomorrow I will be taken to our new home, a castle gifted to us by my father not far from here.

I looked at myself in the mirror, a reflection of a woman stared back at me, I was no longer a child, I was no longer free. My reflection was a young woman about to be married just after her seventeenth birthday along with her sister.

This marriage was a loveless marriage arranged by my mother to keep my brother safe as Hurrem did to Mihrimah to keep her own sibling safe. Mihrimah was my half-sister and so were four of my brothers but I still loved them the same.

I know that Bali Bey was a great man who would respect me and cherish me as wanted but I wasn't sure if I will be happy with him for long. He was not a person who stayed in one place and he could just come to our home one day and say we're leaving and I don't think I can do that.

I looked behind me through the mirror as my mother walked in, as my last minutes alone and free vanished into nothing. I took a deep breath as she walked over to me, I turned around to face her as she took the vail from the couch beside us and placed over my head covering my face before placing a kiss to my knuckles and left me alone yet again. Not a word was said as she knew that I was cherishing every last minute of freedom.

Afife Hatun walked into my room telling me that it was time to leave for my Henna party along with my sister. I walked out of the door with my maids behind me and Afife Hatun, Mihrimah stood waiting for me in a similar outfit to mine. I stood beside her before we all started walking through the harem and to the Valide's room where Hurrem was staying despite not being a Valide.

She took my hand into hers nervously as we stood in front of the door. I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before we let go as the doors opened and we walked in where many women from noble families were waiting for us.

I walked over to Hurrem sultan who stood first beside the door. I gave her a bow which she returned with a smile and pat to the arm which I knew was only halfheartedly. I moved to my mother who had tears in her eyes as I took her hand into mine and placed a kiss to the back of it.

I walked beside my sister to the two chairs in the middle of the room and at down. She took my hand into her again as three women started circling us with the henna on plates in their hands while a hatun was singing behind us.

I squeezed my eyes shut trying to calm myself down as much as possible. I know that Bali Bey will take good care of me and he will be a great help to my brother. I could learn to love him one day I'm sure of it. I did grow fond of him but not to the point where I could say I love him.

The girls stopped circling us which made me and Mihrimah let go of each other's hand and hold them out facing upwards. One girl held a plate of henna while to held spoons in their hands. One of them scooped up a bit of the henna and walked over to me placing it on my hand before doing the same to the other one. My mother walked over and placed a golden coin in both of my hands before I closed my fist around it. A red velvet bag was placed on my fists and tied tightly around my wrists as the party started.

I moved to sit beside Mihrimah on the throne in the room with Hurrem sultan beside Mihrimah and my mother beside me. Sunbul agha walked in hurriedly and bowed to us.

"Sultanas, the marriages have been blessed by the sheikh of Islam," he said making Hurrem clap happily as turn to her miserable daughter.

"Congratulations, my Nafize" my mother said placing her arm around my shoulder in a side hug.

"Thank you, Mother" she smiled and let me go as the party went on.

"MAKE WAY SULTAN SULEIMAN KHAN ARRIVED" I stood up along with everyone in the room as the music stopped. My father walked in with all of my brothers behind him.

He walked over to Mihrimah first as she was the older one out of the two of us. I didn't pay any attention to what was happening beside me as I focused on my brother, Mustafa, who was looking at me with a certain look in his eyes. He felt guilty for being the reason I was in this loveless marriage, I gave him a smile from under my vail which he returned but we both knew that he will feel guilty for the rest of our lives.

My father moved over to where I stood and took my vail in between his hands and he pushed it back to show my face.

"My Nafize," he said. He didn't need to say more for my name alone was a compliment. He placed his hand on my cheek rubbing it slightly before he beckoned a harem agha over who was holding a pillow with something shining on it. It was a beautiful Ruby necklace to match my wedding dress tomorrow. Mihrimah would be wearing a blue dress while I would be wearing a red one. She was like water and I was like fire.

He placed the necklace around my neck clasping the back of it. I took his hand into mine and kissed the back of it as my gratitude. I hope this marriage doesn't bring me down and give me strength for my brother. I hope this marriage will bring me love and happiness for that was what I yearned for at the moment.

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