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"Sultana" I looked up from Mustafa who was asleep in my arms at Nur who had just walked in.

"What is it Nur?" I asked getting up and placing Mustafa in his crib.

"We got this letter sultana," she said holding out a small letter for me to see. I walked over and took it from her opening it and started reading its contents.

Dear Nafize Sultan

You have to go to the marble castle right now and immediately, there is something that concerns you happening at the moment there.


"Who is this letter from?" I asked turning to look at Nur.

"No idea sultana," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Prepare me a carriage immediately" I ordered. She bowed confused but left nonetheless to do as ordered.

During the entire ride, I couldn't help but think what could concern me there so much that an anonymous person had to send me a letter and ask me to go there and see.

When I got there I walked into the castle to see an agha in front of the main room of the castle. I pointed for my maids to stop following me and walked over to the agha alone.

"Who are you?" I asked stopping in front of the agha

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"Who are you?" I asked stopping in front of the agha.

"I am Husain Agha, I work for the throne's castle" he answered back bowing to me.

"Why did whoever send you want me to come here?" I asked harshly. I could see that he almost flinched because of the harshness of my voice.

"Sultanim there is something happening in this room that concerns you," he said and pulled me to the room beside it.

"You will be able to see what's happening through the door that connects these two rooms together," he said and opened the door of the other room for me.

"If this is a trap, believe me, I am prepared," I said and turned to look behind him. He too turned and watched shocked as men started to jump down from the room so quietly that I myself couldn't hear them and that's what I call professionalism.

I walked into the room and over to the door that was already slightly agar. I opened it a little and looked inside. Bali Bey was in there with Mihrimah, at the sight of them together I felt my heart clench.

"Sultanim like I've said before I can not be in a relationship with you, you are a married woman and I am a married man to not a stranger but to your own sister," Bali said almost like he was speaking to a child and was so frustrated that he wanted to either cry or kill someone. I smirked at his words knowing whoever sent me the letter wanted me to come here and see him cheating when in fact he was just refusing my sister straight to her face.

"But Bali, Nafize doesn't have to find out at all. I fell for you first and it's not fair for her to get you and I have to watch from the sidelines as you two fall for each other and start a family" she whined stomping her foot down.

"Sultana, I love your sister very dearly, she may not fully know that but I do and I will never ever do anything that could hurt her in any way possible," he said with a tone that ended the conversation and Mihrimah seemed to understand that too.

I walked over to the couch and sat down on it wanting a minute to relish the words that left my husband's mouth. He really cared about me despite everything he went through he still gave our love a chance.

I looked up with a smirk as the door opened Mihrimah walked in with a frown on her beautiful face.

"Didn't go the way you wanted it too huh?" I asked standing back up as she glared at me.

"If you were smart enough you wouldn't have sent for me until you secured that he was in love with you and would say something to prove it as I stood there and watched," I said stalking closer to her.

"Our relationship was getting better than ever, why did you have to ruin it?" I asked sadly. She stayed quiet for a minute before answering.

"I wanted what you stole from me" she answered back looking down at her hands.

"Bali Bey was never yours so don't go around saying that I stole him from you or I will do to you exactly what you did to Esmehan or do I have to remind you" I smirked down at her shocked face.

"I'm not stupid Mihrimah, I have eyes everywhere," I said patting her shoulder. The doors opened to show Bali Bey looking confused at my presence in the castle at all. I looked behind him to see the leader of the men I bought here standing outside which meant Bali Bey talked to him.

"Sultana, what are you doing here?" He asked walking closer to me.

"Well my sister sent me an invite to your private meeting and I seemed to come just in time," I said giving him a sweet smile. I walked past him and out of the room and straight over to the carriage and got into it. Just because he refused her doesn't mean he wasn't wrong and I wasn't mad at him either way.

I looked confused at Leyla my new maid who took Nur's place as my maid. The carriage suddenly stopped and it was impossible for us to have reached the castle so fast and I didn't order for the carriage to stop.

Leyla opened the curtain and looked outside before sitting down immediately with a worried face on.

"There are men from the Edirne rebellion outside," she said making me frown in confusion.

"What are Edirne's men doing here in Istanbul?" I asked but she shrugged as her answer when it dawned down on me.

"Mihrimah" I growled angrily. That was a smart move I admit it, it would've worked, either way, I could be leaving mad and they'd getting me and as right now I was leaving with slight heart and they would still get to me. I swear to god Mihrimah I didn't want to fight a war against you but you lighted the fuel.

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