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I jumped up startled by the sudden harsh shaking. I looked beside me to see Bali Bey sat up with a dagger in his hand glaring at the maid shaking me awake.

"Sultanim, we got news of a break-in, in Mihrimah sultan's castle" I gasped shock and sat up turning to look at Bali Bey who seemed shocked at the news.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked pushing the covers off of me and got out of bed alongside Bali Bey.

"We don't have any more information sultanim," she said bowing and leaving the room to prepare my clothes.

After changing my clothes I got into a carriage with Mustafa in my arms still sleeping like an angel but I couldn't leave him alone in the castle even with so many guards and maids to protect him but I trusted no one after what I heard. Nur and Esma sat in front of me with worried looks on their faces as we drove closer and closer to Mihrimah's castle.

Nur got out first so I handed Mustafa to her before getting out. I let her keep holding him as long as she stayed by my side which I had no doubt she would, she and Esma were like my shadows and I trust them with my life but I was being extra paranoid and I had the full right.

I walked in as fast as I can trying not to run to not show the maids and aghas my panic and act as calm as I could in front of the slaves.

I walked into the main room in Mihrimah's castle to see her and Hurrem sultan sitting on the couch as Mihrimah cried and Hurrem tried to comfort her distressed daughter

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I walked into the main room in Mihrimah's castle to see her and Hurrem sultan sitting on the couch as Mihrimah cried and Hurrem tried to comfort her distressed daughter.

"Mihrimah," I said earning her attention. She looked up with bloodshed eyes breaking my heart. I walked further in as she stood up and walked over to me stopping right in front of me.

"They took my daughter" my eyes widened at the information. I pulled her in for a hug which she returned tightly, I looked over her shoulder at Hurrem sultan who shook her head at me which meant that Mihrimah was not okay.

"Who would dare?" I asked pulling away and placing my hands on her cheeks. She shook her head bursting out crying again. Before I could hug her the doors opened again and our father walked in and she immediately ran into his arms.

"Father," I said earning his attention. He opened his arms and let me join the hug, he must've known how scared I was to the point that I let my son out of my castle and bring him here.

"My darling girls. I ordered Bali Bey to look into this matter" he said as we pulled away. My head snapped to the side as I heard Mustafa cry. Nur was bouncing him up and down but he didn't seem settled at all. I walked over and took him from her and to her surprise, he stopped crying and cooed up at me.

"Prepare him a bed in the throne's castle" she bowed and left to prepare everything. I watched as my husband walked in with an earring. I walked over as Mihrimah's maid walked in to tell the story.

"She bought this in DyarBeker for her daughter," she said. I raised my eyebrows and looked at Bali Bey who gave me a reassuring smile.

"What are you talking about? No one has seen Nigar Kalfa in years" Hurrem sultan said pulling Mihrimah in for a side hug.

"She did it! I'm sure she did. She hates Rustom because he divorced her" she said crying covering her face.

Father ordered us to go with him to the throne's castle which I already saw coming. We sat in Hurrem sultan's room as we waited for any news.

"Nafize" I looked at Hurrem sultan who was the one to speak.

"I want you to look after Mihrimah until I come back," she said pulling on her fur coat.

"Don't worry sultana" I said placing Mustafa in his crib and walked over to Mihrimah. I sat down beside her and pulled her in for a hug as Gulfem hatun walked in with Afife hatun.

After a whole hour of just sitting there talking to her to calm down, it didn't seem to affect her at all as she stood up and started pacing around sacred for her daughter and I completely understood. When Mustafa started crying I immediately picked him up and handed him to Nur to calm him down in the upper room in the same wing where I could see her from the window.

Hurrem sultan walked back in with a frown on her face. Mihrimah walked over to her mother and took her hands in between her own.

"Tell me mother, who did it? Hatice sultan or Sah sultan?" Mihrimah asked. If this situation was different I would've scoffed but I understand her blaming everyone and anyone.

"They still haven't found her," Hurrem sultan said making me sigh sadly and walk over to Mihrimah and stand beside Gulfem hatun.

"Gulfem hatun go and tell them that if anything happens to my daughter I will destroy the world on their heads," she said turning around to Gulfem. She looked at me with a worried look.

"Calm down Mihrimah" Hurrem sultan tried to calm her daughter as she tried to hug her.

"Please understand me mom, Ayse is still too young and she's probably very hungry," she said taking a step back falling into Afife Hatun's arms and Gulfem's. I helped them take her to the couch and sat her down as Hurrem sultan yelled at Sunbul to get the doctor who ran out to do so.

I laid her head on my chest and stroked her hair as we waited for any news good or bad. I started praying over her head feeling my heartbreak for my sister and her daughter.  We both sat up as the doors opened and Esma walked in bowing to us.

"Sultanas they found the young sultana and she's in his majesty's wing" we jumped up and put on our head scarfs before running to our father's room.

"My darling daughter," Mihrimah said walking over and taking her daughter from her husband. I walked over to my father who wrapped his arms around my shoulder to comfort me.

"Thank Allah he protected your daughter," I said earning my sister's attention.

"Thank you Nafize for staying by my side," she said walking closer to me.

"I would never leave you in a situation like that no matter what," I said kissing her forehead making her smile.

"Nafize go back to your son and husband you all must be exhausted," father said. I nodded and bowed to him before leaving the room. Bali Bey was standing in front of the door waiting for me with Nur who had Mustafa with her. He seemed really tired and out of it as I walked closer to him.

"Malkoçoglu" he snapped out of his trance and looked at me

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"Malkoçoglu" he snapped out of his trance and looked at me. He smiled a little as I approached him.

"Let's go home we're all very tired," I said taking his hand in mine.

"Of course sultana" I smiled as he led me out of the castle and into the carriage before getting on his horse and we went home after an exhausting day.

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