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"Do you know why father asked for me in the gardens?" I asked Nur as she helped me dress.

"No sultana, all the aghas said was that you have to go to the garden by his majesty's order" she answered pulling my hair out from under the dress.

"Tell Ali agha to meet me in the gardens before I go to father" I ordered Esma who bowed and left the room immediately as Nur helped me get ready before she went to stay with Mustafa.

I walked down to the secret section of the garden where no one has been in years and no one would even think about going there.

"Sultanim" I looked at the man that stood in front of me. He was a short man with scars all over his face.

"Ali agha" I acknowledged the man with a nod his way. I looked behind me at my maids who turned around their backs and kept watch in case.

"Everything is ready sultanim, you do not have to worry," he said not daring to look up.

"You've talked with Nigar Kalfa to go to my aunts?" I asked. He nodded his head causing me to smirk. Mihrimah shouldn't have started this war with me in the first place.

"Good job agha, when this mission is over I will give you the money with a little present and I want you to disappear from the face of the earth" he bowed as I walked away

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"Good job agha, when this mission is over I will give you the money with a little present and I want you to disappear from the face of the earth" he bowed as I walked away.

When I reached the main part of the garden I saw my entire family sitting there even Bali Bey. I groaned in my head knowing this won't be ending well at all.

I bowed to my father and moved to sit on a cushion beside Bali bey and my brother Mustafa. In front of me sat Mihrimah with her husband beside her.

"Is there a special reason you asked for us to come here?" Hurrem sultan asked obviously annoyed by Mustafa, my mother, and my presence.

"I asked for all of you here to solve the problem between Nafize and Mihrimah" my father answered. I glared at my sister in front of me who glared back.

"I looked into Nafize's kidnapping and I know the truth now" my father continued earning out attention. Could they have deceived the truth or something?

"Mihrimah you should apologize to your sister immediately and beg her for forgiveness and she will decide your punishment," my father said. Her eyes widened and she turned to look at me with hatred in her eyes.

I can't believe she let a man ruin our sisterhood. We used to be so close but she ruined that by choosing to still love my husband that I didn't choose to marry and fall in love with.

"I'm sorry sister," she said with venom lacing her words. I could only nod my head feeling sadness sweep into me. I truly loved my sister and didn't want our relationship to end up like this but she is ruining everything.

"Nafize, come to my room and tell me your decision when you make it," my father said getting up. We all sprung up and bowed to him as he walked away with Hurrem sultan hot on his tale probably to change his mind about the punishment and I wasn't so sure he will listen this time.

I smirked at Mihrimah before turning around and walking away with my husband trailing behind me to our room.

I took off my headscarf and placed it on the bed. Bali Bey sat down on the couch and watched my every move as I fixed my crown before stepping closer to him.

"What do you think of her apology? Do you think she will try to hurt you again?" He asked worriedly. I knew that he cared for me and our child a lot and that made my heart sour more than it has ever done in my entire life.

"Her apology didn't convince me and I'm sure she has something up her sleeve and that's why I have to send her away," I said. He looked up at me with a confused look on his face. 

"I will ask my father to banish her, she won't stay away for long, I'm sure her mother will bring her back as soon as she twists my father's head but that time would be enough for us to think about our next move" I explained sitting down beside him

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"I will ask my father to banish her, she won't stay away for long, I'm sure her mother will bring her back as soon as she twists my father's head but that time would be enough for us to think about our next move" I explained sitting down beside him.

"I'm worried about our child and Mustafa," he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and placing the other one on my flat stomach. I placed my smaller hand over his and rubbed circles against the back of it.

"Maybe we should leave, go back my family maybe and stay there" he suggested. I pulled away from him with a frown on my face.

"I can't leave my brother when he needs me the most" I stood up and walked over to our bed and sat down.

"I'm not telling you to leave him I'm just saying that maybe we should stay away for a while" he too got up and walked over to where I sat.

"I didn't think you were a coward Bey," I said angrily standing up in his face.

"I'm not a coward if I cared for my family," he said back stepping closer to me to the point we were almost touching.

"If you care about your family then you wouldn't leave Mustafa when he needs us the most, he is your family too, isn't he? He's your brother-in-law after all" I too stepped closer so our chests were touching.

"I'm scared for our child and Mustafa because I care for them more than I care for your brother" I glared harder up at him as did he.

"I can take care of my children and protect them you don't have to worry yourself," I said sitting back down on the bed.

"Maybe you can now but you won't be able to for much longer" he took a deep breath and say fine beside me.

"Isn't that why you're here?" I asked turning to face him as a tear rolled down my face. I hated arguing with him but what he said wasn't logical at all. He reached out and wiped it away before pulling me closer and kissed my forehead.

"I won't always be there," he said looking down at his hands. I reached over and took them in between mine.

"I'm a sultana Bali I have men and guards and many allies, I have brothers and my father, they will keep me safe when you can't you don't have to worry" I reassured. He moved closer so our knees were touching. He cupped my face and pulled me closer until our lips touched into a feather-like kiss.

"I love you so much that I am ready to risk my life for you" he whispered when we pulled away from each other.

"And I love you just as much"

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