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I smiled brightly as my aunts walked in with Esmehan. I stood up and bowed to them being careful of the baby in my arms.

"Motherhood suits you, Nafize" my aunt Hatice said smiling at me.

"Thank you sultana" I bowed my head before moving to the side letting them sit down on the couch beside me.

"Give him to me" my aunt Sah said eagerly making me laugh and hand the baby over to her. She held him delicately as he fussed a little before settling back down.

"How has he been?" My aunt Hatice asked starting a conversation.

"He's been an angel. He only wakes up once at night to eat" I answered moving my gaze to her.

"And how has Malkoçoglu been treating you since you gave birth?" Sah sultan asked. I sighed almost dreamily making Hatice sultan laugh. I could see Esmehan look done sadly, don't tell me she also likes him.

"He's been treating me like a true sultana and he leaves work early just to see us," I said gesturing to Mustafa.

"We heard that he was named Mustafa, who chose the name?" Sah sultana asked changing the subject when she saw her daughter's sour mood.

"My father did," I said grinning brightly. I took the baby from Sah sultan and handed him to Nur who bowed and left the room to put him on his crib.

"Don't trust anyone around him" Sah sultan advised.

"I don't but Nur and Esma have been with me since I was a little girl and I trust them with my life" she nodded her head understanding me.

"Your sister will give birth soon, you two seem to plan to do everything together, first marriage and then pregnancy and now her birth is soon after your own" I laughed at Hatice sultan's words.

"Maybe God knows how much we love each other and wanted to fulfill our dreams" I shrugged taking a sip of my juice that my mother ordered Shekri agha to do it specifically for me.

Before anyone could say anything the doors opened and Malkoçoglu walked. He seemed shocked to see my aunts but bowed to the two of them nonetheless before stepping closer to my side.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the castle Malkoçoglu?" Sah sultan asked. Esmehan seemed bothered by his presence in the room and this made me even more sure that she was in love with him.

"I finished work, early sultana if you want I could leave the room" he answered her. I tried to hide the smile at the sarcasm in his voice that they seemed to get. I knew he didn't like my aunts for their constant attempts to get rid of Hurrem sultan and he would have to be the one to be chosen to investigate.

"No you don't have to, we were leaving anyway

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"No you don't have to, we were leaving anyway. We don't want to tire Nafize more" she said getting up with Hatice sultan and Esmehan who threw a longing look his way, when she turned to look at me she could see the half glare on my face which made her look down.

"Nafize" I bowed to my aunts as they left the room leaving me with my husband alone in the room.

"You know, each passing day I discover a new admirer of yours. How many are there?" I teased turning to look at him. He raised his eyebrow at me stepping closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Hmm, maybe hundreds" he answered back teasingly. I chuckled shaking my head before pulling him down claiming his lips with my own.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked as we pulled away slightly out of breath.

"Well considering it's been over a week since I gave birth I could say back to the way I was" I answered pulling away from him and sitting back down on the couch, he followed my movement and took my hands in his.

He pushed a loose strand from my face before leaning back in and kissed me again. I sighed against his lips loving the feeling of them against my own.

"We're in the main room, Nafize" he whispered pulling away. I whined making him chuckled and pull me closer making squeal as he moved me to sit sideways on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck to not fall back not like he's gonna let me with his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I didn't know how I finished my work just to come back to you and Mustafa," he said leaning his forehead against mine.

"He's asleep" I muttered. He nodded his head letting his head fall on my shoulder. I could feel butterflies erupt in my stomach at the feeling of his lips against my neck, I didn't know what this feeling was but I loved it. Is this love? Or was it just admiration.

"Why do you make me feel this way?" I asked him pulling away from him and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"What way?" He asked tightening his grip around my waist.

"Safe, home, secured and... and loved" I whispered the last part.

"I've never felt this way before and I don't know what this feeling is" I whispered. He leaned his forehead against mine again letting our noses brush against each other.

"I feel the same way" he whispered rubbing circles on my waist which took my breath away at his gentle touches.

"Is this love?" I asked rubbing his cheek with my palm.

"Maybe" he teased. He had more experience in those things and he definitely knew what love felt like having experienced it more than twice.

I jumped off his lap when a knock on the door echoed around the room. I fixed my dress and sat down beside Bali Bey who immediately took my hand into his.

"Come in" a harem agha walked and bowed to the both of us.

"Sultana, Bey, prince Mustafa has arrived in the capital and would be visiting the throne's castle for a brief moment to see his majesty then he will be heading straight here" he informed. After the agha left I squealed and hugged Bali Bey tightly making him chuckle at my eagerness to see my brother.

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