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"Are you sure this is a good idea, sultanim?" Yusuf Agha asked as we walked down the garden in the Topkapi Palace.

"Of course, Yusuf, this has to be done" I answered turning a corner and came face to face with a man I hated even more than Hurrem Sultan.

"Rüstem Pasha" I addressed nodding my head at him. He bowed to me keeping a fake smile on his face.

"Sultanim, you asked for me," he said straightening his back and looked at me in the eyes, the nerve on this man was unimaginable.

"I wanted to see how you were doing after I and Mihrimah made amends and forgave each other," I said smirking as his face turned from smug to shock.

"You two made up?" He asked shocked. His hands that he held in front of him dropped to his sides as his eyes widened with shock.

"Did you expect for sisters to fight their entire lives over a man even though he is my husband but my sister will always come first. And your schemes will not come in the way of our relationship, remember that Rüstem 'pasha'" I said letting the last word come out of my mouth almost in a mocking way.

"Now have a good day, Rüstem" I turned around and walked away with a smirk on my face. This man will go down even if I have to get blood on my hands.

"Sultanim, we just received news from Saliha hatun, she says that Mahidevran Sultan has the harem in a tight grip and only sends girls to his highness that she trusts and she told her that you sent her but your mother won't believe her," Yusuf said handing me the letter Saliha sent, I didn't mind that he opened it and read it, I've already given him the right to do so when I am busy and he thinks it's something important.

"Here's a letter from your mother asking for confirmation" Yusuf finished handing me another letter with my mother's handwriting and seal.

"You can send it to her," I said making him bow before taking the letters from me and leaving to my room to do just so.

"Where to now, Sultanim?" Esma asked stepping forward beside me. I sighed pulling my coat closer to me and turned to look at her.

"You go and check up on Nur" I ordered. She bowed and left through the back of the garden. I looked up at my father's terrace where a heavily pregnant Nazenin hatun stood watching from up above with her head held high. I turned to look at Elif one of the new maids that got assigned to work for me.

"Bring her to me" I ordered. She bowed and stalked to the castle. I turned around and walked back to where I previously met Rüstem Pasha, he had already left with his guards.

"You asked for me, Sultanim?" I turned around and faced Nazenin who has been using her pregnancy to not bow to anyone.

"Don't look me in the eyes" I ordered harshly, her eyes immediately dropped down to the floor and her smile vanished in a second.

"Don't forget who's standing in front of you, you may be pregnant with my sibling but that doesn't make you superior" I said harshly again. She seemed shocked by my strikes, she must have thought I will be by her side since I hate Hurrem.

"I'm sorry if I offended you, Sultanim," she said in a squeaky voice almost like a mouse. She won't be of any help at all, she can barely stand up for herself without my aunt Fatma and let alone stand up to the great Hurrem.

"I hope you're taking good care of my sibling" I placed my hands in front of me and intertwined them together. I looked at her from the top of my nose to show her who was the superior one here.

"Of course, Sultanim, I will bring a healthy son to this dynasty," she said proudly looking back up at me in the eyes. My glare hardened making her move her gaze back down to the floor.

"Don't say something you can't promise nor control, our great Allah alone knows if it's a boy or a girl" I yelled making her cower back. What a joke of a future sultana.

"Get out of my face" I ordered. She bowed shakily obviously lying about not being able to bow. She scrambled away like a kicked puppy and I could already imagine her telling my aunt Fatma who will pay me a visit soon.

"I'm leaving for my castle" I turned around and walked towards the stables where my carriage was waiting for me. I didn't want Hurrem to know I came just yet.

"Fatma Sultan is here to see you" Esma informed me. I sighed placing the Gevherhan in her arms. She bowed and left the room before my aunt walked in seconds.

"My dear niece," my aunt said cheerfully opening her arms to hug me. I plastered a fake smile on my face and let her wrap her arms around me.

"I was expecting your arrival sooner if I'm being honest," I said pulling away from her and sat down on the couch. She followed suit and her smile flattered a little.

"Why are you acting like this, Nafize?" She asked leaning forward to glare a little at me. I rolled my eyes and leaned back against the couch.

"Is it your husband is he not treating you right?" She asked. She was really trying to push the blame on Bali? Wow-what a great aunt.

"No, Bali has been amazing with me and the kids" I answered leaning back forward to glare at her

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"No, Bali has been amazing with me and the kids" I answered leaning back forward to glare at her.

"Then why are you being like this?" She asked frustration evident all over her face. I shook my head and looked anywhere but her. She placed her hand on my cheek and turned my face towards her softly.

"Because no one sees me as a grown-up and everyone sees me as a child. I hate being treated like this like I don't know what I'm doing. I'm sick and tired of you and Hurrem and you're ongoing fights, I'm done with all of this, so I'm taking matters into my own hands" I stood up and walked over to the window and crossed my arms watching as Bali got off his horse and spoke with one of the guards probably them telling him that my aunt was here.

"What did you do?" She asked fearfully turning me around harshly to face her. I smirked and shrugged my shoulder. The look of fear on her face alone made my heart soar happily.

"You'll have to wait and see like everyone else," I said pulling away from her and looked behind her as the doors opened and Bali walked in bowing to us.

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