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"Nafize, do you truly want this marriage?" Father asked me. I fidgeted nervously with my fingers feeling tears build up in my eyes under the eyes of the entire family. My eyes trailed to Mustafa who was standing beside our mother glaring at me challenging me to do anything irrational.

"Yes, your majesty" I nodded my head. My eyes moved back to my father who nodded satisfied. Of course, he didn't know anything and probably thought that I had grown affectionate feelings for Taslicali Yahya after Bali Bey's death.

"Then I agree to this union, May Allah blesses it," my father said. I bowed and moved to stand beside my mother. Mustafa my son looked at me shocked from my left but didn't dare say a word. Father ended the meeting soon after seeming exhausted from merely talking, well he was an old man now.

I was the first to walk out almost running, I wanted to get away from my brother and his harsh actions towards me. Maybe I should have let him tell father so I could be punished, that way I wouldn't be feeling such guilt.

"Mother!" I froze just outside the doors at the sound of my son's angry voice.

"How could you do this?" Mustafa asked. I closed my eyes as tears sprung up into them. I turned around to face him.

"What are you saying, Mustafa? Your mother is still young and it would be a shame for her to spend the rest of her days alone" my brother said placing a hand on my son's shoulder. My son shrugged his uncle's hand off much to all of our shocks because he was basically his favorite person after his father.

"You have a hand in this! Rukiye said you visited mother yesterday and now today suddenly this marriage proposal arose" my son yelled. I turned to look at my daughter who seemed a little ashamed for telling her brother.

"Mustafa, do not forget who is standing in front of you" my brother warned my son. My son looked his uncle up and down judgmentally before turning to face me. 

"If you do proceed with this marriage, I won't follow you to Manisa and I won't let any of my siblings come with you" my son hissed angrily before he stormed down the hallway

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"If you do proceed with this marriage, I won't follow you to Manisa and I won't let any of my siblings come with you" my son hissed angrily before he stormed down the hallway. I placed a hand over my mouth to stop a sob from leaving my mouth, Allah really was punishing me for all of my sins with the people I loved most in the world.

"Nafize" my brother's voice snapped me back. I looked up at him with tears sliding down my face.

"May Allah forgives you for ruining my relationship with my own flesh and blood, Mustafa" I whispered so no one else would hear. A look of guilt flashed on his face but it was gone as soon as it appeared.

I turned around and walked away from my family trying to keep up with my son. I flashed in front of the harem not bothering to wait for them to bow to me. I walked down the hallway that led to my son's room here in the palace to find that there were no aghas standing at the door, he probably dismissed them. I tried to open the door but it was locked and wouldn't budge.

"Mustafa, open the door" I ordered trying harder to open the door. Silence was what he sent my way.

"Son, I beg you open the door" I sobbed unable to hold myself anymore. I covered my eyes with one of my hands while the other I used to support myself against the wall feeling lightheaded from everything happening around me. A small click made me look up and I watched as Mustafa opened the doors and looked at me with slight guilt.

"Can I come in so we can talk like adults?" I asked softly wiping my tears. Mustafa stepped away silently and sat down on his couch. I took this as an invitation to walk in and sit down beside him.

"I know you're wondering what made me agree to this marriage" I started looking down at my lap.

"Your uncle is punishing me" I whispered clenching my hands into fists

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"Your uncle is punishing me" I whispered clenching my hands into fists.

"Why?" Mustafa asked. He took my hands in between his and squeezed them.

"I did something bad and the only way to keep him from telling your grandfather was to do what he wanted" I answered. Mustafa seemed to get angry at the way his favorite uncle was manipulating his mother.

"I have to do this otherwise you will lose me, the bad thing I did is unforgivable and your grandfather will surely kill me if he found out." I said letting go of his hand and placing both of mine on his face making him look at me in the eyes.

"How do you feel about this marriage?" Mustafa asked softly.

"Like I'm dying inside every second I think about it or speak about it" I whispered. I let go of his face and placed my hands back down on my lap.

"Don't worry mother, you've got me and I will do whatever it takes to save you" Mustafa said. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him pulling him in for a hug.

"Don't get mixed into this, let everything go according to fate and if it is in my fate to marry a man other than your father then so be it, just don't ruin your innocence with such matters" I whispered patting his back. I pulled away and looked at my handsome son.

"Promise me that you won't do anything" I urged.

"I can't make promises I know I won't keep," Mustafa said. I sighed shaking my head, he was just like his father.

"I love you darling, and know that whatever I do or did I did it for you and your siblings, you are the only ones in this world I will die for," I said placing my hand on his cheek.

"What about uncle Mustafa?" My son asked. I frowned at the mention of my brother.

"He betrayed me and I can't forgive him now, maybe in the future but not now" I patted his cheek with a soft smile.

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