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"Mother, May I have a moment please?" Mustafa asked. I turned from Rukiye who huffed angrily that her brother interrupted her from telling me about a novel she read.

"Of course, darling" I stood up from the throne placed in the garden for me to sit on. I linked my arm with his and let him lead the way away from the Sultan's tent where the rest of my children were sat either chatting with one another or playing.

"I wanted to tell you that I've thought about what you asked of me, about my marriage with Nur's daughter, Meleki" Mustafa started when we were a good distance away from his siblings. I stopped walking and turned to look at him and waited for the answer.

"I agree, mother if this marriage makes you happy then I agree," Mustafa said. I grinned and pulled him in for a hug.

"However I have one condition to it," Mustafa said patting my back. I pulled away and looked up at him confused.

"What is it?" I asked. Mustafa sighed and rubbed the back of his neck before gaining his confidence back up.

"I as a Muslim man am allowed four legal wives, am I right?" Mustafa asked. I nodded confused as to why he was asking, he took religious studies from a young age.

"I want to marry Hümasah as my first wife then I'll marry Meleki," Mustafa said. I knew Mustafa had a crush on my niece but I never thought he was as serious as marriage with her.

"But if you marry Hümasah, you won't be able to marry Meleki, Hümasah is of royalty and it is not allowed for you to bring a second wife over her," I said. I was confused at this point. Has he forgotten our rules and laws? Did he think Mihrimah was not stupid enough to let her daughter stay married to my son if he ever marries after her.

"I know mother, that is why I think there is someone better for Meleki than me, someone, whose heart belongs to no one," Mustafa said. I raised an eyebrow confused.

"Who?" I asked confused and shocked that he found someone so fast.

"Suleiman, they are closer in age, and this way in front of the world I will have a Sultana as a wife and Suleiman will have the daughter of a Pasha, or have you forgotten where you hid Meleki?" Mustafa my son said

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"Suleiman, they are closer in age, and this way in front of the world I will have a Sultana as a wife and Suleiman will have the daughter of a Pasha, or have you forgotten where you hid Meleki?" Mustafa my son said. I couldn't help but smirk, he was manipulative just like me.

"I didn't forget that I hid her as the governor of Damascus' daughter, the real daughter was stillborn and they agreed to take Meleki instead, I remember that" I nodded and patted his shoulder.

"I spoke with Suleiman and he agreed already," Mustafa said. Smart boy didn't take any chances at all.

"Very well, I shall send a letter to your grandfather" I nodded and was about to walk away but Mustafa stopped me.

"Mother wait, give it time for Suleiman, first I want my wedding to be alone, and second Meleki is still thirteen, give her some time to grow up," Mustafa said. I smiled and nodded my head. I understood why he would ask that, he wanted the attention to be on him and Hümasah alone.

"Fine, I will send a letter to your grandfather and aunt" I turned around and walked back over to where the rest of my children sat. I sat down with a grin on my face knowing I got what I wanted from my son one way or another.

"What is this sudden interest you have in talking with me? I thought you stubborn as ever didn't want to see me ever again" Mustafa said taking a sip of his juice. I rolled my eyes at his words and took a bite of the delicious chicken the chef has prepared.

"I have some joyful news I wish to share with you, is that so wrong, brother?" I asked shrugging my shoulders. Mustafa raised his eyebrow suspiciously and waited for an explanation.

"Mustafa, my son wishes to marry," I said excitedly. My brother seemed more than just shocked at the suddenness of my words.

"Marry? Who?" Mustafa asked curiously.

"Hümasah, he chose her himself" I picked up my cup and took a sip of my juice. Mustafa was silent as he watched me drink my juice.

"Are you not happy, brother? My son is in love and wants to marry and this is your reaction?" I slammed my cup down at his lack of happiness for his own nephew. I thought Mustafa was better than this.

"Is this a new game of yours?" Mustafa asked. I felt hurt that he thought that my son's marriage was a game of mine. The only game I played with my sons was the marriage of Suleiman and Meleki to keep Nur close to me and I knew that if Suleiman ever fell in love for real then he could get a second wife so I wasn't ruining his life and besides I never forced him to agree to any of this.

"I can not believe you brother!" I jumped up from the pillow I was sitting on. I was in disbelief over his words and actions lately.

"I tell you my son is in love and you ask if this is a game of mine? Why did I even bother telling you and trying to act like we were a happy family?" I questioned myself. I turned around facing away from him. I placed my palm on my forehead feeling a little dizzy for some reason.

"I knew you hated me but why are you hating my son?" I asked, turning around to face Mustafa again. He looked concerned for some reason. I stumbled over to him as my dizziness grew worse.

"What's happening?" Mustafa asked. I felt like my veins were on fire. Poison! There was no other explanation for this pain other than poison. My eye trailed to my cup of juice horrified that they were able to slip me poison in it.

"Poison" I whispered feeling my throat closing up. Mustafa's eyes widened as I fell forward in his arm and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I couldn't handle the pain anymore.


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