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"Do you need anything else?" Nur asked fixing my dress. The look in her eyes was just pure pity and that was what I didn't want right now.

"No, you can go get ready to leave" I answered. She nodded her head enthusiastically before bowing and leaving the room.

I felt the world closing in on me as time passed and the minutes laughed at me on their way as the time walked slower and slower. The doors to the room opened a someone walked in and closed the doors behind them. I stood up from the bed and watched as that person walked closer to me. Taslicali Yahya took off his turban and placed it on the couch against the opposite wall before turning to face me. He walked over to me and removed my veil showing my blank face, a face a wife shouldn't show her husband but I didn't care.

"I'll leave the room, Sultana, don't worry I won't spend any nights here," Taslicali said stepping away from me again.

"I know why Mustafa chose to marry me to you, Taslicali," I said making him stop from walking towards the door.

"Why?" Taslicali asked turning to face me. I smirked shrugging my shoulders.

"Maybe you should ask him, why he's punishing you too when he could have simply asked father to send me with him to Manisa but chose to marry me to you" I walked closer to him almost like a snake if I may add.

"He is not punishing me" Taslicali insisted. I giggled at his naiveness.

"Then why did he make you marry someone you do not love?" I asked leaning closer. Taslicali glared at me before storming out of the room. I sighed in relief at the sound of the doors closing behind him.

I changed my clothes as fast as possible not wanting to stay in the red wedding dress any longer. I went to sleep immediately after being exhausted from the wedding that was forced upon me taking place that day.

"Are you alright Mother?" Mustafa asked in the morning as we sat around the breakfast table. I looked up from my eggs at my eldest son who was watching me worriedly.

"Yes, darling, I'm fine do not worry," I said reassuringly. Mustafa gave me a suspicious look but accepted the answer anyways. The doors to my room opened and my brother walked in followed by our mother. We all stood up and bowed to him.

"Children, leave us alone with your mother" my brother ordered trying to sound as nice as possible. My mother wrapped her arm around Gevherhan's shoulder and guided her out along with the rest of my children except Mustafa.

"Mustafa, go follow your siblings" my brother nodded his head towards the door. My son turned to look at me desperate for me to tell him to stay with me.

"Go, darling, Suleiman is probably waiting for you" I patted his shoulder. My son sighed defeated and stepped down towards his uncle standing in front of him and in his face.

"Don't make her sad, she's had enough of your injustice" my son spat at his uncle before he left the room. I couldn't help but feel a little proud that my son showed his growing dislike towards the way I was being treated, it showed how he would defend me if things were worse.

"What nonsense are you filling your children's heads with?" Mustafa asked seeming to get angrier with the way his nephew spoke with him.

"Only the truth, he asked and I answered truthfully" I answered crossing my arms.

"He asked me if I agreed to that marriage and if I loved Taslicali and my answer was only the truth, I do not agree and I hated Taslicali " I shrugged. Mustafa took a threatening step closer.

"You May be able to force me to marry but you can never ever force me to love" I hissed getting angrier myself. Mustafa clenched his fists angrily.

"Why did Taslicali, sleep in the guest room?" Mustafa asked returning to the reason he came here for.

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