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"I don't understand why Beyazid is convinced that you had a hand in the disappearance of his favorite concubine," my mother said with disappointment in her voice. She shook her head as she took a sip of her tea. I looked down at my cup guiltily.

"You didn't do it, right Nafize?" My brother Mustafa asked. My head snapped up to look at him shocked that he still believed it was me after all of the innocent acts I'd done.

"How can you ask that? Of course, she didn't do it" my mother hissed defending me angrily. Mustafa's eyes didn't quiver however and bore harder into mine, I refused to be the one to break the eye contact and give him a reason to believe that it was me.

"I am innocent brother, I didn't do it" I answered ignoring my mother's rant about how much I loved my brothers and would never hurt them, funny and ironic how she put the seeds of hate for our siblings inside of us and when we act upon that hate she withdrew.

"Good, it's unworthy for an Othman Sultana to give her attention to a mere slave," Mustafa said. I watched as he took a sip of his tea before placing his empty cup down on the coffee table.

"I will be going to father now, I must report to him some matters about Amasya" Mustafa walked out of my room leaving me and my mother alone with my children and maids. My eyes trialed to my sons playing with their toy soldiers, I thanked Allah over and over again in my head that they didn't have a throne to fight for and they will always stay by each other's sides.

"Don't misunderstand your brother darling, Mustafa knows deep down that you are innocent and he asked only to prove to Bayezid that you didn't have a hand in anything" my mother reached over and placed her hand on my shoulder. The defender of her son as always.

"I know mother" I placed my cup of tea on a table and stood up from the couch. I walked over to the crib in the corner and picked up Rukiye, these small children were my only escape from my guilt.

"I'll leave you alone then" my mother also left the room leaving me alone in the room. I sat down on the floor in front of Gevherhan who was drawing and scribbling something on a piece of parchment. I sat Rukiye in my lap and watched as she looked around curiously as her brothers swished beside us acting as if they were in a battle then her gaze moved to Rukiye who was drawing something similar to a flower.

"What is our next move, your highness?" Yusuf asked. I looked up at him and signaled for him to kneel down beside me. Yusuf immediately dropped down on his knees and leaned closer to me so I can whisper. I leaned closer to his ear and whispered my orders, Yusuf pulled away from me shocked and wide-eyed.

"Kill Beyazid"

"What do you think?" My mother asked showing me a piece of fabric. I touched the material feeling the silky material.

"It feels nice" I answered with a shrug. Yusuf stepped forward earning our attention as he leaned down and picked up a red piece of fabric from the box and held it out to me.

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