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I shivered slightly as the chilly air came in contact with me. I stepped down the steps with the help of a maid followed by Nur with Mustafa in between her arms.

I walked forward ignoring everyone and everything around me. I could hear the footsteps of my maids behind me with an extra heavier pair.

I pulled my dress up as we reached the wet stones on the floor, they were uncomfortable to walk on but the view was one that can not be ignored. I stopped inches away from the water so my dress wouldn't get wet as I stood there admiring the view in front of me.

I bent down slightly and let my hand wander into the water feeling relief wash over me as the cold water touched my hand and the relaxing sound of the waves reached my ears. I stood back up and closed my eyes enjoying every second of it. I sighed as arms circled around my waist and pulled me into a firm chest, I leaned back against Bali wanting to just stay like that for a bit.

"Are you okay?" Bali Bey asked as I started leaning more and more on him. Before I could answer him I felt weak and started falling but he caught me in time and pulled me up bridal style.

"I'm dizzy" I whispered leaning my head on his shoulder as he walked over to the lodge in front of us.

"Call for the physician" he orders Esma who bowed and ran in before us. He walked into the master bedroom where we will be staying for the week. He sat me down on our bed as the physician walked in kicking him out.

"Sultanim you have to take care of yourself more," she said smiling slightly. I nodded and leaned back against the pillows feeling more relaxed than ever as the smell of the salty water came in through the window and filled my lungs.

"You're with child" my head snapped towards her and looked at her with wide eyes as she chuckled slightly at my reaction. My hand unconscious went to my stomach feeling mad at myself for not taking care of myself enough knowing that there was a possibility I could be with child.

"Let my husband in" I ordered. She bowed and left the room followed by the maids. Nur informed him to come in on her way out.

He walked in and sat down beside me on the bed. I could see the worry in his eyes and it made me feel some type of way and I loved it.

"I'm not sick Bali Bey you do not have to worry yourself," I said in a low voice not wanting to break the calm atmosphere around us. I could see how he relaxed physically and slumped down a little.

"I am with child" his eyes snapped up to meet mine. It took him a second to finally get what I meant to get over the shock of the news.

"Mustafa is gonna have a brother," he said excitedly making me laugh.

"Or a sultana," I said giving him a joking glare. He pulled me closer to him hugging me tightly.

"The baby's timing is amazing, we all need some happiness right now," he said placing his hand on my stomach as we leaned our foreheads together.

"I love you" I whispered placing my hand atop his feeling warmth spread through me as he smiled.

"I love you too" he whispered back before capturing my lips in a slow and loving kiss taking my breath away.

"We should send for our families," I said as we pulled away. He nodded in agreement before getting up and walking out of the room.

I leaned against the pillows feeling better than I have ever been. Spending a month here was the best decision we've ever made. I felt sad as we rode back to the capital but it all vanished when I saw my brother standing in front of my father's door to welcome me.

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