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"Where is you, brother?" I asked Suleiman who was studying in his room. He looked up shocked that I had just barged into the room. When I went to visit Mustafa in his room he wasn't there much to my shock.

"Mother, what are you doing here?" Suleiman asked placing down his book and standing up from his desk. He walked over to me and bowed slightly in front of me.

"Mustafa, where is he? I went to visit him and no one knew where he was" I said panicking. I feared he would do something irrational and get himself in trouble.

"I think I heard one of the aghas say that he went on a walk with uncle Mustafa" Suleiman answered. And with those words, my blood ran cold, and fear engulfed me.

I turned around and ran out of my second son's room with Nur running behind me. I really needed Yusuf to be here with me but I couldn't forgive him for spilling my secrets so openly and getting caught beside Mustafa kept him locked away somewhere I didn't know. I ran as fast as I can out of the palace and made my way down to the garden, I didn't know where to start searching.

I went down the right path that led to the flower bushes that I knew Mustafa, my son, loved so much and personally took care of. I saw four guards and four harem aghas standing there dismissed and waiting. Then I knew I was on the right track and continued running much to their confusion. I turned a corner and that is when I found them in a position that made me want to die. My brother was holding my son by the back of his neck close to his body with a sword at his neck while my son's sword was laying on the ground.

"Mustafa!" I yelled in fear earring both of their attentions. I ran over to the two and pushed my brother away from my son with all my might.

"Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" I asked my son fussing over him and looking him all over trying to find injuries.

"I'm fine mother," my son said holding my hands in place. I sighed feeling tears of relief fill my eyes. My son raise my right hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles before letting me go fully. My son turned around and picked up his sword from the ground before sliding it back in its place and walking away.

"Did you really think I would kill him?" My brother asked. I turned around sharply with a glare on my face and the shame I felt for killing our other brothers was gone.

"Listen, well brother, the son of my father and mother, if you even think for a second to hurt any of my children believe me I will rain hell on you and the dynasty could be damned without an heir" I hissed angrily stepping closer to him and pointing my forefinger at him.

"I will end you if one singular hair falls off their heads while simply being in the same room as you" I threatened digging my finger in his chest. Mustafa seemed too shocked to defend himself or basically react.

"Stay away from my children!" I yelled at my brother pushing him back. At that moment my brother's best friend and my forced fiancé Taslicali rounded the corner probably over the commotion.

"I'm warning brother" I hissed lowly to my only pure brother. I turned around and walked back the way I came making sure to glare at Taslicali nastily as I passed by him.

"Do not worry sultanim, everything will go back to the way it was" Nur said trying to reassure me when we were out of earshot.

"I don't think so Nur" I shook my head stopping beside the Sultan's tent. It was currently empty but usually, my father would choose to spend his mornings or afternoons here.

"Prepare yourself, tomorrow I will send you to see your daughter, she must miss you and you haven't seen her in months," I said turning to face her. Her face glowed at the mention of her only child.

"When will I return?" She asked. I could see the sadness in her eyes when the subject of her departure from her child rose.

"Never" I answered smiling lightly at her. She let out a happy sob and wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug crying on my shoulder.

"Now now, there would be no need for crying, we will still see each other, very frequently, " I said smirking. She pulled away from me and looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked naively. She should know at this point that I always keep those loyal to me close to me one way or another.

"You'll find out in due time, for today however I want you to go to Saliha and tell her that her mission is over" I ordered. Nur bowed and walked away leaving me alone in the garden.

"Sultanim, Sultanzade Suleiman is asking about you" Esma my other maid said. I hadn't realized her joining me. I sighed and turned to walk back inside the palace that I lived in most of my life in.

I went straight to my second-born son's room. Suleiman was pacing around his room while Mustafa my son was sitting on the couch silently. Gevherhan and Rukiye were there too confused as to what was going on while Ibrahim ran around with his wooden sword and a new maid I've never seen before sat in the corner with Ismihan in between her arms.

"You asked for me?" I asked my son earning everyone's attention. The maid jumped up and bowed to me.

"Mother, are you alright? What happened earlier?" Suleiman asked running over to me and hugging me tightly.

"I'm fine and nothing happened" I pulled away and patted his cheek. I turned to look at Mustafa who seemed emotionless but at the same time, his emotions raged behind his eyes.

"Who are you?" I asked the maid holding Ismihan in her arms.

"I'm Hatice, sultanim and Şehzade Mustafa sent me to serve you," she said bowing. Mustafa sent a spy just like I did.

"Give Ismihan to Esma Hatun and leave" I ordered. She seemed hesitant which gave her even more away to me. She handed my one-year-old daughter to Esma and tried to walk out of the room but I held her by the arm making her stop.

"If I see you near my children again I will end your life, do you understand?"'I asked raising an eyebrow with a smirk. At this point I had nothing to lose and no one to fear, I just didn't care anymore. She nodded fearfully before scurrying out of the room.

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